Home / Medicine / Japanese women effectively lose weight, eating these mushrooms

Japanese women effectively lose weight, eating these mushrooms

Японки эффективно худеют, употребляя в пищу эти грибыTo meet a Japanese woman with a curvaceous figure — is nonsense, and it means that girls of that nationality know the secret of harmony and actively use it.

It turns out that chiseled figure each required Japanese edible mushrooms, not any drugs, procedures or activities. Girls just eating three kinds of mushrooms before eating, so it does not get better and remain slim, despite the age, material condition, birth and pregnancy.

The names of these next mushrooms: Maitake, Turkey tail and Shiitake. Its composition is similar Maitake mushrooms our Mushrooms and Shiitake with Oyster mushrooms. Tinder fungus can be bought in Ukraine without any problems.

It is important to use these fungi in a particular sequence:

1. Maitake (Mushrooms). These mushrooms are responsible for weight loss. So Japanese women eat first. Low calorie Meytake allows you to eat a big portion, but did not recover any weight.

2. Tinder perfectly satisfy hunger and relieve excessive appetite, so thanks to those mushrooms gives the opportunity not to overeat at the table. But here we must be prepared for the fact that tinder has a mild laxative property, so you can visit any celebratory events during mushroom slimming system better not.

3. Shiitake mushrooms (Pleurotus) are complementary to the two previous fungus that contribute to the production of liver enzymes and cause liver work burning fats. It turns out that our Oyster indirectly have fat burning properties.

Nutritionists recommend to try the Japanese method of cleansing the body of excess fat within two weeks. If during this time the person will change chair (will become softer and more liquid), but will also increase the amount of urination, then you can be sure that mushrooms there are exactly as needed.

Usually 14 days is a huge weight loss on the scales a couple of extra pounds a woman can lose easily, and this despite the fact that in her daily routine and lifestyle, nothing has changed.

It is worth remembering that too many mushrooms to eat, not necessarily because they can clog the stomach and cause discomfort in the stomach. Also, the use of fungi often leads to excessive gas, so that control how much gets to you on a plate, especially if you are going to become as slim as a Japanese geisha.

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