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How to collect mushrooms and avoid

Как собирать грибы и не отравиться Doctors say that even edible mushrooms can cause poisoning

Saragusa rain for someone- a reason for discouragement, and for someone — an excuse to celebrate.

Avid mushroom pickers are now rubbing their hands in anticipation of a good silent hunting after rainy weather much more likely to come home with a full basket of delicious trophies. But to catch only brought culinary joy and do not cause health problems, it is important to remember a few rules. We talked with the doctor-phytotherapeutist, nutritionist, blogger Boris Skachko and physician, toxicologist, candidate of medicine. Sciences Victoria Glushchenko.


“Inexperienced pickers to better focus on the collection of tubular mushrooms: white, butter, boletus, aspen. Most of them belong to the category of edible. But plate have very similar counterparts — e.g. some grebes remarkably similar to that of field mushrooms or russulas. To identify edible mushrooms, only drawing attention to the characteristics. For example, the mushroom plate pink and white toadstool always”, — said Boris Skachko.


The perfect capacity to harvest wicker basket. It has holes so the mushrooms can breathe. In second place — plastic bucket: there are mushrooms not already ventilated, but at least they are in the tank do not break. But to go into the forest with a plastic bag is not: “there is no ventilation. Besides the delicate mushrooms, such as Russula or umbrellas that will turn it into dust. And if the package still tie, then the mushrooms will try to survive: continue to your tubes or plates to “pump” nutrients to samoraspustitsya. And it’s the perfect environment for fungal growth — is no less dangerous than radiation. At least its use is fraught with cancer,” warns the jump.


“Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb the maximum from the land of all substances — both useful and not. That is why forest trophies, even edible, can be saturated with radionuclides or heavy metal ions”, — said Boris Skachko. So in any case do not make a quiet hunt close to the road or business. “Also, it is useful to ask the local population, not sprayed nearby from the place of collection of chemicals, pesticides or herbicides,” advises Boris Glebovich. According to him, the more carcinogens accumulate only those mushrooms, which have under the cap of a soft porous fabric, resembling a sponge: mushrooms, boletus, boletus, aspen.
In addition to heavy metals, mushrooms actively absorb cesium-137 and accumulate radiation. “She “accumulated” honey, raincoat pearl, champignon, common line — lists naturopath. — The situation is different with the Polish mushroom, pig-face, maslanka, boletus: in their fruit bodies, even when the contamination of soils, close to the background value, the content of cesium-137 may exceed the permitted level.” So gather them, for example, in the Kiev and Chernigov areas that were particularly affected after the Chernobyl accident, is not recommended: “dirty” edible mushrooms quickly, but still poison our body.


Go around the side of rotten, overripe, soft and worm-eaten mushrooms, even if they are edible. Their taste is not so hot, and the risk of poisoning is very large: from “Oldies” may be deposits of toxic substances. Also pay attention to the smell of mushroom: poor — definitely a sign of the presence of toxins. Collect only young or middle-aged mushrooms with a pleasant smell.


Already home mushrooms to be sorted by types and to carefully sort out, throwing all worm-eaten, over-ripe, flabby, or damaged. If you look at the mushroom you have the slightest suspicion that it could be a double edible — just throw it in the trash. “If in your pot with 10 kg of lovely mushrooms will be at least one pale toadstool, threatened the lives of all family members,” warns Victoria Glushchenko. To clean the mushrooms on the same day, when it was harvested, because they deteriorate quickly.


Mushrooms are in any case can not eat raw — they must be subjected to heat treatment. “While preservation is important to remember about the quality of cleaning and handling, because with the ground in banks with mushrooms can get bacterium that causes the deadly disease botulism. This organism develops without access of oxygen and actively secretes a poisonous toxin. A clear sign of finding it in with canned mushrooms — swelling of the lids, and in the future — cupping “the bloat” — said toxicologist.


No matter how appetizing it may have been the mushrooms, “lean” they are not worth it. In the composition of the fungal sheath contains chitin, and humans have no enzyme capable to metabolize this substance. In addition, the mushroom is fiber, for digestion of which the digestive tract must be very strong to work hard. “So the mushrooms are human, of course, heavy food. Gives them a unique taste and aroma extractives and cause an increased secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to worsening of existing chronic diseases. In the end, the most common mushroom in the use may cause illnesses of varying severity. Also I don’t recommend to use mushrooms to elderly people and children up to seven years,” warns Glushchenko. Perfect for one meal to eat no more than 200 grams of fresh, 100 grams of salt and 20 grams of dried mushrooms.

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