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It is possible to quit. Russia twice to raise unemployment benefits

Можно увольняться. В России в два раза повышают пособия по безработице

Ministry of labor drafted a bill that increases the maximum unemployment benefit of up to 8 thousand rubles. Now the upper value of the allowance established in the amount of 4 thousand 900 rubles. The document has successfully passed public discussion and is approved by the concerned departments.

To achieve significant growth in the amount of the benefit will through targeted principle of his appointment and payment. In particular, according to the bill, it will be given to those who have lost their jobs six months ago or earlier. If the period of unemployment exceeds a year, the allowance is not paid, RIA “Novosti”.

The maximum allowance can apply unemployed who had paid work not less than 26 weeks, the amount of benefits will depend on their average salary during this period. The minimum benefit is intended for those who have a paying job that lasted at least 26 weeks.

According to the Minister of labour and social protection of Russia Maxim Topilin, the bill is much more equitable than the order which now exists.”

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