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It became known, what will the melting of glaciers

Стало известно, к чему приведет таяние ледниковScientists are told what to expect after the massive melting of glaciers.

Rapid melting of Greenland and Antarctic glaciers could cause sea-level rise.

Relevant conclusions were made by workers at Imperial College London.

Scientists said that long-forgotten all the problem assumed a new form. British scientists believe that people who live in the seas and oceans will build the housing so as to protect themselves from the advancing water. The researchers added that already, the icebergs and glaciers are melting faster than previously predicted.

Particularly, the researchers focused on the Totten glacier, which size is comparable with France. It turned out that most of it is in the water and it is washed by the warm and salty streams, from which the melting of glaciers is happening faster than expected. That’s why scientists have warned that sea levels could rise to dangerous levels.

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