Home / Oil / Iraqi Kurds urged Russia to produce oil in their territory

Iraqi Kurds urged Russia to produce oil in their territory

Иракские курды призвали Россию добывать нефть на их территории

Head of representative office in Iraqi Kurdistan in Moscow invited Russian oil companies to extract oil in their region in Iraq. He said that local Kurds are ready to make every effort to ensure their safety and guaranteed timely payments.

Iraqi Kurds expect to increase oil exports from region, urging Russian oil companies to build the infrastructure in Iraqi Kurdistan. Head of representative Kurdish Iraqi ASO Talabani in Moscow promised Russian companies large payments from oil production in Kurdistan.

At the moment oil companies from Norway and the UK already operate in the region, however, the authorities of Baghdad oppose the transit of oil through Iraqi Kurdistan. The Iraqi leadership explains that its disagreement with the distribution of oil revenues, forcing the Kurds to negotiate this issue.

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