Home / Oil / Iran called the condition for negotiations is on the freezing of oil production

Iran called the condition for negotiations is on the freezing of oil production

Иран назвал условие для переговоров о замораживании добычи нефти

Tehran will be ready to join the discussion on the freezing of oil production after the annual production of Iran will increase to 4 million barrels, according to the Agency ISNA.

“Let us leave alone until then, until we will reach the milestone of 4 million barrels per day. After that, we joined them,” said the Iranian oil Minister, Bijan Zanganeh, reports “Interfax”.

Zanganeh also said that he would discuss the “oil policy” during talks in Tehran with Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak on Monday, March 14, reports TASS.

In February, the oil Minister of Iran Bijan Zanganeh said that the proposals to freeze the production of oil are “unrealistic” and “ridiculous”.

The Minister of oil of Saudi Arabia Ali al-Naimi at an energy conference IHS CERAWeek noted that the agreement on freezing of production does not imply a reduction in its volume. However, he expressed confidence that more countries will join this plan, and a new meeting on the issue of freezing of oil production could happen as early as March.

February 16, following the meeting in the Qatari capital Doha between representatives of Russia and OPEC countries agreement was reached on the readiness to maintain the oil production at the level of January, if other manufacturers will join the initiative.

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