Home / Science and technology / In Ukraine has created a watch that will not go to sleep

In Ukraine has created a watch that will not go to sleep

В Украине создали часы, которые не дадут уснутьInvented “smart” clock that will help to fight off sleep.

Their project NOZzER WATCH has already raised crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, more than $13 000.

The device is equipped with electrodes, which are constantly sending the brain electrical impulses, and as a result, the neural activity of the brain remains stable. The strength and frequency of alarms can be set independently.

The developers have already tested the device by testing it on 30 people in the psychophysiology laboratory of the Kharkiv national University. V. N. Karazin. They found that when using the device sleepiness is reduced by 70%.

The prototype uses a battery of 160 mAh. After optimization, the gadget can operate without recharging for up to three months and about 18-30 hours in the active phase.

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