Home / Incredible / In the waters surrounding Cuba, the falling number of manatees

In the waters surrounding Cuba, the falling number of manatees

В водах, омывающих Кубу, падает численность ламантиновAccording to local media, in the waters around Cuba, there is a significant reduction in the number of manatees.

Bay Nazabal, where there is the largest population of these marine animals over the past 15 years, there were 29 deaths.

The manatee is a herbivorous marine mammals. Natural enemies they have, therefore, a decrease in population can be caused only by human activity. Particularly in Cuba, the acute problem of poaching and illegal fishing: the fishermen put nets in the wrong places, in which manatees may become entangled and suffocate, as they need pure oxygen from the surface. Many hunters and even catch them for later eating.

Local environmentalists are already beginning to sound the alarm, as their efforts to conserve the number of animals starts to miss. For help they turn to the Cuban authorities, noting that the Bay Nazabal has all the conditions for the resumption of the population.

In these waters there is a large number of “water pasture”, in addition the Bay is protected from the open sea and has fresh water that comes out of the Sauga river, La Chica.

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