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In the vicinity of Rome found an awakening volcano

В окрестностях Рима обнаружили просыпающийся вулкан

In the vicinity of Rome in the area Albanski mountains to erupt a volcano, destructive force which can be compared with Vesuvius. Dedicated to the study of geophysicists from Italy and the United States published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Geophysicists have determined the age of rocks from past eruptions in the Alban hills, and also studied satellite images of the area. Scientists came to the conclusion that the volcano has a 31-year eruptive cycle and is currently out from the rest.

Geologists discovered the anomalous uplift of the mountains, indicating the formation of magmatic bubble under them. In just the last 200 thousand years, scientists estimate that the surface of the mountains towered 50 metres. Currently, the terrain rises above sea level at a rate of about two millimeters per year.

Over the last two thousand years, the study showed, the movement of the two fragments of the earth’s surface, under which there is magma bubble, led to the reduction of pressure on the magma. The eruption geological formations is possible within a thousand years.

The last time the volcano in the area erupted Albanski mountains 36 thousand years ago. From the centre of Rome it is situated 30 kilometres away. In the case of the eruption of the volcano could be affected suburbs of the capital of Italy, with accompanying winds under threat of smoke will be the entire city.

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