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In the United States for the first time in the world rejuvenated person using gene therapy

В США впервые в мире омолодили человека при помощи генной терапииScientists have learned how to rejuvenate people.

Bioviva the American company announced that its leader Elizabeth Parrish was the first person, rejuvenated thanks to gene therapy.

The experimental method developed by Bioviva, aimed at lengthening of telomeres – the end parts of chromosomes that protect them from degradation. With each cell division telomeres become shorter and eventually cease to perform the safety function that contributes to the aging process.

In September last year, Parrish has experienced the methodology of the company. Before that she passed the examination. It showed that Parrish unusually short telomeres of leukocytes for her age. A second survey conducted after the course showed an increase. Parrish managed to reverse 20 years of decline of telomeres.

As Bioviva and its leader do not feel over-enthusiasm over the incident. In a statement the company says that it can be considered a success in that case, if the received data is correct”.

Herself Parrish, who believes aging is a disease, says: “the Development of biotechnology is the best solution (in the fight against aging), and, if these results are at least roughly accurate, we have already made history”.

Bioviva will continue to monitor the status of Parrish “in the following months and years.” In addition, the company plans to find out whether you can spend a rejuvenating experience not only leukocytes, but also other tissues and organs, and to repeat it with future patients.

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