Home / Science and technology / In the summer of the start of sales of protected smartphone TaigaPhone

In the summer of the start of sales of protected smartphone TaigaPhone

Летом стартуют продажи защищённого смартфона TaigaPhoneThe model is aimed at the corporate market.

The gadget is equipped with a security system and will arrive on the shelves in the summer of 2016.

Natalya Kaspersky, who is the head of InfoWatch, said that the development of the smartphone is already at an advanced stage. It is assumed that the protection of information in the phone will occur through the use of technology InfoWatch Traffic Monitor. At the end of this summer on the market will appear a batch of these gadgets. The results will show buyers, and will decide the fate of the smartphone.

The Assembly process TaigaPhone falls squarely on Chinese production capacity. The design of the phone is fully developed in the company Taiga System, which in the near future will be the property of InfoWatch.

Natalya kasperskaya was quick to clarify the fact that her phone company will not compete with gadgets YotaPhone because they have different consumer audience.

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