Home / Incredible / In the Pacific ocean disappeared five Islands

In the Pacific ocean disappeared five Islands

В Тихом океане бесследно исчезли пять острововFive Islands have disappeared due to the rising waters in the Pacific ocean and erosion of the coastal zone.

The five Islands of the archipelago of the Solomon Islands lost in the depths of the sea. This was announced by Australian scientists.

Disappeared Islands Calais, Rapita, Reana, Kakatiya and Sales. The most extensive of them – Kale – had an area of 49 000 square meters. In 2011, this number decreased to 509 square meters. In addition to the above, soon to go under water can six Islands of the archipelago, of which the bulk – Hatahata – over the past 70 years has reduced their space from 250,000 square meters to 95,000.

The scientists noted that the sunken island was not just small plots of land. The claim is that these Islands fall quickly in areas where strong waves. With the increase of the water level is noticeably accelerates the process of destruction.

4 years ago experts have published a list of Islands that will disappear if raising the water level in the ocean. This list also turned out to be the Maldives, the Seychelles, Kiribati and others. Scientists suggest that can go under water and Bangladesh.

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