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In the Chinese smartphone market has a new leader

На китайском рынке смартфонов  появился новый лидер In China over the past year, plummeted sales of Xiaomi. But now there is a new leader in the number of smartphones sold, it was Huawei.

The number of phones sold once a clear leader Xiaomi greatly reduced. Only in the last quarter when compared to the previous year their number decreased by 38% or 10.5 million copies.

Now Xiaomi in popularity in popularity ahead of several companies, and now she is not even in the top three.
Now the list of the most popular phones opens firm Huawei, and the second and third place, zanimautsa иVIVO. The reason for this dramatic change in the market was improving the quality of Chinese phones. Previously, they was only cheap models that were not particularly popular even in their own country. In recent years their quality has improved markedly, and this applies to all sides of the phone, ranging from functionality to design.

Among other things. some Chinese smartphones have unique properties such as waterproofing or very fast charging. at the same time. as the American model rely on the functionality of the operating system.

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