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In the Arctic found fragments of the legendary British ship

В Арктике найдены обломки легендарного британского корабляIn the Arctic found the wreckage of the second ship disappeared in 1845 expedition.

Search engines were able to detect the wreckage of the ship Terror – the second of the two missing for almost 170 years ago in the canadian Arctic ships of the expedition the British Explorer John Franklin

On Monday said channel CBS.

According to him, the fragments found near the island of Pests in the Arctic region of Nunavut. They are “in good condition”. It is known that the wreckage found the crew of the research vessel Martin Bergmann. The other information yet.

Expedition to Arctic exploration, under the leadership of Franklin began in 1845. It was attended by two ships – Terror and Erebus. In September 1846 they were icebound near the island of king William and never came out into open water.

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