Home / Incredible / In Israel for the first time discovered a cemetery of the ancient Philistines

In Israel for the first time discovered a cemetery of the ancient Philistines

В Израиле впервые обнаружено кладбище древних филистимлянIsraeli archaeologists during the excavations near Jerusalem stumbled on the ancient cemetery of the Philistines.

During the excavations the team of archaeologists was lucky enough to find the site of an ancient burial, which was located in the area of Ashkelon to Jerusalem.

The burial consisted of 200 skeletons of ancient settlers. According to the preliminary version of scientists in the ancient cemetery lies a tribe of Philistines who lived in that place with 12 BC

The excavations helped to get out of the ground more than 200 bodies belonging to men, women and children. The radiocarbon study and analysis of ceramics has allowed to establish the approximate period of appearance of the cemetery. Archaeologists have determined that the burial was created in the period from 10th to 9th century BC the Obtained data allows to assume that this is the remains of an ancient tribe of the Philistines, who came and settled in Israel breaking the Aegean sea. To obtain a perfect result it is necessary to make genetic and radiocarbon study of bone dust.

In addition to human remains, archaeologists have unearthed samples of one of the first types of colored ceramics. Scientists also note that almost every remains were found clay vessels for spirits, the so-called ancient bottles. According to popular belief, perfumes and aromatic oils allow the person in the afterlife to feel the “flavor of eternity”.

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