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In humans, there is a compass that governs the imagination, scientists

У человека присутствует компас, который управляет воображением, - ученыеInside the human brain there is a built in compass that helps to navigate the terrain and to ensure system coordination.

He is also able to manipulate imagination. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Donders after conducting some research.

Experts from the Netherlands believe that after the person is immersed in virtual reality mode, it continues to perceive everything around and is on the trivial level processes. The so-called “receiver”, which is built in an area of the brain, able to control the navigation of people to orientate on the terrain. This happens in both real and virtual world.

To confirm this, scientists have attached sensors to volunteers, which further immersed in the world of virtual reality. When they started to move around the plot of the video game, the cerebral cortex, the impulses went from the area, which is “the neurons of the lattice. This suggests that built-in browser is able to work in both worlds. For the qualitative test created a virtual town in which the respondents had to overcome obstacles and to get to these points.

See also: Chinese inventors are striking in their imagination. Photo

During movements of the connected sensor gave a pulse, so that the person could reach the destination without much effort.

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