Home / World / In Belarus began collecting signatures for the closure of the border with Russia

In Belarus began collecting signatures for the closure of the border with Russia

В Беларуси начат сбор подписей за закрытие границы с РоссиейThe petition appeared on one of the sites.

Ordinary Belarusians, not even the activists of political parties, demanded aloud to do what has long hinted, but did not dare to tell the authorities. On the national portal for electronic requests Petitions.by there was a petition in which citizens of Belarus are in favor of an immediate return of the complete border, passport and customs control on the border with Russia.

It is no secret that the need for such measures is long overdue: the decision on creation of the so-called “Union state”, when the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the then Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin in early 1995 dug near Smolensk last pillar that could be considered relevant only while the Russian Federation is relatively civilized behaved in the international arena. The attack on Georgia in 2008 with the occupation of its regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the annexation of the Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea and the seizure of part of the Donbass in 2014 and later aggression in Syria in 2015-2016 forced to think seriously about how to develop relations with such a neighbor, and how to protect yourself from it. Moreover, the neighbor and without armed conflict throws Belarus a whole heap of serious problems.

– No customs and border control on the border of our country with the Russian Federation threatens the economic and social security of our country, – says the petition, which is now massively subscribe Belarusians. According to the interior Ministry, more than 60% of smuggled goods illegally imported to Belarus from the Russian Federation. The shadow market of low-quality alcohol (the so-called “counterfeit” vodka) from Russia, an average of about 200 million U.S. dollars a year. But the most dangerous is the never-ending flow of illegal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from neighbouring countries – so-called “spice”. Even more: according to the latest police data, it became known that the Mahiliou, was detained a Russian citizen with an Arsenal of military weapons. There are cases of penetration into our territory from the Eastern neighbor pimps and many other criminal elements. All of this threatens the lives and health of our citizens and undermines public order. In this regard, we, the undersigned citizens of the Republic of Belarus, demand the development of measures for the introduction and implementation of a permanent customs and border control on the border of our country with the Russian Federation.

Recall that the claims of the petitioners have good grounds: it’s enough to recall the police detained in Minsk the traffickers who brought to us not only the “spice” and Russian flag, and in Bobruisk, two representatives of the neighbouring countries engaged in the slave trade, exporting of young Belarusians in Moscow for prostitution. Was created by the Russians in Minsk and the financial pyramid, oblaposhivaya respectable Belarusian citizens. As for the problem of “counterfeit” vodka, it was raised even at the level of the top leadership of the interior Ministry, and the facts of smuggling of drugs and psychotropics from Russia outraged by even the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. However, the government of our country has never raised the question of denunciation of the Treaty on establishing the Union state with the Russian Federation and citizens of the country decided to help them.

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