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Unknown Belarus

You want to find out whether Belarusians love potatoes and Dad, whether they want to join Russia or the European Union,

 Неизвестная Беларусь

In Belarus, Lukashenko has ruled the country for over 20 years. Only in eight countries is now a political leader has been in power longer than Lukashenko.

To questions about how many more Alexander Lukashenko is going to be the President, the head of the country gets off with platitudes.

The Belarusian public to think seriously about the hereditary transfer of power, when in April 2008 was revealed to the world the younger son of Lukashenka. And then the issue of concern to the journalistic fraternity, but has no answer: why him of three sons, was honored to appear with his father in all official events of the trip to the Olympics to the summit of the CIS heads of state.

The hype fueled by Lukashenka himself, saying at a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in 2012 the following: “Some began to doubt the serious prospects of cooperation between Belarus and Venezuela, here is my son Nicholas, and this suggests that we are seriously and permanently laid the Foundation of cooperation, and there is someone to pick up the baton in 20-25 years”.

Children Lukoshenko: Viktor Lukashenko is working in the Ministerial structures, Dmitry Chairman of the Presidential sports club! And the youngest son of Alexander Lukashenko, this year 12 years were executed.

Interesting, but in Belarus there are no terrorist organizations or organized criminal groups. Rare in this country are ethnic conflicts, despite the fact that only 84% of the population are Belarusians (8% — Russian, 3% — poles, 2% — Ukrainians). For comparison: in Russia, Russian — 77%. With a homicide rate of 4.9 per 100 thousand people of Belarus occupies sixth place in Europe (Russia is in the lead, and 8.7).

In Belarus retained the death penalty!According to the international human rights organization Amnesty International since 1991 in Belarus executed about 400 people.

Moreover, the veil of mystery shrouded in the procedure of execution: the body of the executed is not given to his relatives for burial, the place of his burial is not reported, not reported and also the date of execution of the sentence.

According to the Independent Institute of socio-economic and political studies (IISEPS) for the abolition of the death penalty are a little more than 40% of Belarusians. About 47% against. Interestingly, among those who oppose the moratorium on the death penalty, 57% support the policy of Lukashenka.

In September of this year, according to an analysis by the Independent Institute of socio-economic and political studies (IISEPS), the electoral rating of A. Lukashenko has updated a four-year high, amounting to 45.2 per cent.

In the analyst notes that the increased confidence Alyaksandr Lukashenka still enjoys in the first place in women and the elderly! Who here is ready to vote for him with both hands: males — 44.7% of women of 60.8%; voters 18-29 years versus 32.8%, 60 years and older — 78.6 per cent. It is stable and geographically — traditionally the least support Lukashenko enjoys among residents of Minsk (about 20%) and large cities, the highest — in the rural population.

The current surge of the people’s love for Lukashenko is closely associated with the Ukrainian events of the past year. Someone evaluated the stability of Belarus against the background of things happening at the neighbors, somebody’s pleased peacekeeping position of the official Minsk. This is confirmed by the dynamics of the rating of the President depending on the improvement of the welfare of citizens — for the first time in 14 years, with the slowdown in the growth of real monetary incomes of the population regarding the previous year, Lukashenko’s electoral rating has increased.

Whist Lukashenko and adds to the traditional weakness of the Belarusian opposition. Many Belarusians, regardless of their relationship to politics Lukashenko, often simply do not see alternative to him. To date, one third of the inhabitants of the country has no idea who it would be a pity not to give your vote. Over the past three years one of the prominent opposition politicians was not able to compete for the electorate Lukashenko, but even for neutral citizens.

The reign of Alexander Lukashenko – is a planned economy Mixed order industrial production (almost socialist). In addition, Dad kept the day of the October Socialist revolution in Belarus, he is still a public holiday. In most cities there are monuments to Lenin, even in the center of Minsk. In large cities many streets are named after prominent Soviet leaders such as Lenin, Frunze, Sverdlov, and others!

In Belarus there are not a renamed KGB, traffic police and the police!!! Younger classes can become pioneers. And there is the analogue of Komsomol for high school students and students: the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

Each state enterprise has the ideological position of the employee!!!

— In October 2014 in Belarus was prepared by the law on parasitism. As said on this occasion Alexander Lukashenko “Want to restore the concept of “parasitism” — return. It will be easier for people. Anything good that was in Soviet times made, discard, including terminology, is not necessary”.

Interestingly, Belarusians are not too miss the Soviet Union: only every fifth Belarusian would like its recovery, almost two — thirds don’t. But this, incidentally, does not prevent them to make active use of Soviet relics and love them.

The current state symbols come from the Soviet past: the Byelorussian SSR were virtually identical flag and coat of arms, formed in this form for 50 years. In 1995, Lukashenko held a referendum the results of which returned them to the status of a state.According to the IISEPS poll, 54.9% of Belarusians believe that the historical and cultural heritage of the Belarusian nation to be more consistent with state symbols, to 31.7% for national.

Неизвестная Беларусь

On 19 September 1991 the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR adopted the law on the name of the country, securing all regulatory documents in the name of “Republic of Belarus”. Option “Belarus”, widely used in the Soviet Union, has practically disappeared from the everyday life of the Belarusians. However, outside the country of linguistic transformation few people noticed, for example, in Russia almost always use the old name of the country.

The Republic of Belarus — the official name of the state, recorded in diplomatic documents in Russian. Belarus is an informal name. It is used mainly in the domestic sphere of communication”.

Be warned: Belarusians who does not miss the Soviet past, very annoying, the name “Belarus”. If you don’t want to offend them, follow the rules of the Russian language.

In Belarusian “potato” is “potatoes”, and Belarusians eyes called Bulbash. All are confident that the potato — based diet of the Belarusians, and those grow a treasured root crops in quantity unimaginable. Whether so it?

According to the Scientific-practical center of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus for potato vegetable and fruit growing, Belarus ranks eighth in the world in production of potato: she grows it a little less than 10 million tons per year. If you calculate the per capita production (and Belarus overtake giants such as China, Russia, India), we obtain that equal to it really is not — at least among leading manufacturers. What about consumption?

It turns out, every citizen of Belarus, regardless of age, eats a pound of potatoes a day? Actually no. The consumption includes the following items: crop losses (6%), processing (13%), seeds (27%), animal feed (34%) and finally the food — the remaining 20%. That is, the average Belarusian consumes only about a hundred grams of potatoes a day. Anyway, more than the Belarusians, the case of potatoes does not have one.

Want to quickly become a millionaire — change in Belarus is one hundred dollars. Although the psychological barrier of 10 thousand rubles for one dollar was broken just this spring, the joke appeared 3 years ago, when the rate of “bunnies” really got hot.

Actually, why “bunnies”? Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, its former participating countries have begun to leave the ruble zone, creating their own currency. So appeared and the Belarusian ruble. Banknotes looked very nice.

So, the question: “If today a referendum on unification of Belarus and Russia, how would you vote?”, — 55% of respondents voted “against”, just over 20% — “for”, all the others would not go to vote, or refused to answer.

A similar picture with the entry into the EU. To the question: “If tomorrow a referendum was held on Belarus’ accession to the European Union, how would you vote?”, — was 25% of respondents, but “against” — 50% response rate. Others to answer the question refused.

At the same time, according to polls, about a quarter of Belarusians are ready with arms to defend the independence of the country when the military intervention of Russia or the EU. What here the Union.

Over the past 15 years Belarus has built leaps and bounds, and it all started with the construction of the Palace of Republic in Minsk!


Built the centre “Mother and child” In recent years, it revived five medical buildings, equipped with the most modern medical equipment, which now puts on his feet mom with severe pathologies and gives new life to a newborn.

The course of rehabilitation medicine for patients like balm for the soul. More than 20 major facilities operating throughout the country: sanatorium, on clinics, multidisciplinary clinics. And health literally money can’t buy. The most expensive operation in the world in Belarus do for free. And the level is such that even foreigners are treated.

The state with the sprint speed builds sports facilities. In Salihorsk, for example, does not cost one the ice Palace! New computer technology are introduced. So for example the system of air distribution. If we say now at the scene at +20, then a meter of ice — +10.

A significant difference in profits and felt with the development of the hotel business. For three years the flow of tourists increased four times. Business activity of foreign citizens plus new displays in shopping arcades and business centers. And it’s all your jobs and guaranteed wages.

 The modernization of the whole agricultural sector and in animal husbandry, and crop production. Over the past 10 years with the advent of including imported equipment, and new technologies, agriculture has increased its results. And needless to say that the program “Revival of the village” for a couple of years the village turned into a city.

Began to live well and plants. For the enterprise Mogilevkhimvolokno to purchase raw materials in foreign countries were more profitable than neighbor Russia.

But for some reason all forget that in addition to such unique objects, as is the library, “Minsk-arena”,

TC “Capital”,

Неизвестная Беларусь

Runs a huge program of mass housing. And not just housing, and comprehensive — with gardens, schools, clinics, roads. It has already started to take for granted.

Was not empty and the Holy place. In Belarus are more than 10 temples!

Everything is already built — a solid Foundation for the future. Of course, these money could be spend on increased wages, pensions and scholarships. But the investment not only pays off, but also in the profit of work, that’s it!!!


Belarus steadily moves into the future!

And you, comrades, what do you think?


Literature: Excerpts: https://yandex.ru/search/?lr=12&clid=2240491&msid=1463488828.03382.22877.23692&text=о+Belarusi&suggest_reqid=48263359144812001688380470683857&csg=4397%2C9879%2C10%2C10%2C0%2C1%2C0


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