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Identify the key signs of low protein in the body

Названы основные признаки нехватки белка в организмеThere are five of the most striking signs by which one can determine the lack of protein in your body.

Each of us knows how important it is to systematically replenish stocks of nutrients, vitamin and minerals in our body. But how to understand, what exactly are we missing? Because the deficiency of each component is shown in different ways. Now we will deal with the main signs of lack of protein. Realizing that this is the case, you will be easier to write a menu and help the body to function properly.

With the arrival of spring every time we take out of dusty memory, the concept of “deficiency” and start to blame it is his constant fatigue and apathy. But actually not all so is simple and unambiguous. These conditions can cause a variety of factors, including psychological. And to recognize the shortage of protein in the body is unproblematic.

You should know that proteins, or the proteins are the real building materials to all cells of our body. If you have contact with the body, you’ll immediately feel the shortage of this important element. Especially during lent, when many people, trying to completely refuse from food of animal origin, are unable to properly prepare a daily menu.

Experts distinguish 5 major signs of lack of protein in the diet.

1. Hair loss

Remember that proteins are a kind of building blocks for our cells, including to the hair follicles. When the body turns protein deficiency, then follicles gradually become thinner and can no longer hold hair. And this leads to their hair loss. Is in such a situation to buy a special vitamin complexes and to revise your diet in the direction of increasing the amount of protein.

2. Weakness and fatigue

These feelings are often associated with deficiency of proteins, especially those who are active in sports. Also regular lack of protein in the diet sooner or later will lead to reduction of muscle mass, the muscle will not recover, even after small exertion.

3. Drawn to sweet

It would seem, what may be a link between chicken and chocolate? But do not forget that protein is a very nutritious element. In one gram of protein contains 4 kilocalories. And its lack causes a constant feeling of hunger that we try to eat quick carbohydrates – a variety of pastries and sweets.

4. Frequent illness

It is also important to know that proteins perform in the body immune function and reduction can occur serious violations of the protective functions. When you are constantly sick, not in a hurry to run to the drugstore – try to make your diet more varied, adding an extra serving of protein. Soon you’ll feel much better.

5. The reduction in concentration

When you can’t concentrate. You know – the reason for this fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Modern nutritionists recommend to combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates in one dish.

This approach to system nutrition they explain like this: carbohydrates provide the body with sugar thanks to the fiber, and beneficial fats it will become to flow into the blood gradually. The whites will become to prevent the creation of reserves of glucose, and hence, it is to be broken down properly, causing weight gain.

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