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Identify the key signs of a stroke

Названы основные признаки инсультаThe three main symptom of stroke, knowledge of which may save someone’s life.

To a patient who has had a stroke, survived, doctors have only 4.5 hours (“therapeutic window”) with the appearance of the first symptoms. Therefore, knowing them is important to everyone.

The three major signs of stroke:

Sudden weakness or numbness in the hand and (or) leg. You ask the person to raise his hand and hold it for a while, and he can’t.

Facial asymmetry, drooping of the corner of his mouth. You ask the person to smile, and it does not work.
Impaired speech and swallowing. You ask the person to talk to you, but he is unable to pronounce words correctly, speaks very indistinct, as if the mess in your mouth.

All these symptoms occur suddenly and can be complemented by a strong dizziness “one way”, loss of fields of vision, confusion, loss of coordination when walking.

In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. According to the regulations within 40 minutes of admission to hospital performed CT within 20 minutes laboratory tests. And, if the stroke was confirmed, determined its appearance, immediately begin treatment.

Who is more at risk for a stroke?

In principle, this sad chance every person over the age of 50. But very often the stroke selects those who have:

high blood pressure (over 140/90 mm Hg. calendar);
heart rhythm disorders;
diabetes mellitus;
lack of physical activity;
chronic stress;
bad habits such as Smoking and alcohol abuse.

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