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Identified as an effective method of rejuvenating the body

Назван эффективный способ омоложения организмаWhy in the morning you need to drink a glass of water with lemon.

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water in which floats a slice of lemon, is very useful.

For a long time is common in Ayurvedic practice.

Below are a list of those favorable chances which gives fasting water with lemon.

Promotes digestion
Warm water not only provides stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon also helps the digestive acids and the excretion of wastes.

Supports the immune system
Citrus fruits such as lemon have a high content of vitamin C and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps to fight colds and ascorbic acid helps the body absorb iron, playing an important role in immune function.

Podslushivaet the body
If your body is experiencing a chronic pH imbalance, it is more susceptible to disease. Although lemon seems acidic, it is, ultimately, podslushivaet the body and ensures pH balance on the necessary level, especially in those cases if used a lot of meat, cheese and alcohol.

Promotes detoxification
Water with lemon is a natural diuretic. This means that it helps the body eliminate fluid, and together with them to get rid of toxins. Citric acid also helps to increase the levels of enzymes that stimulate the liver.

This energy drink
Although one can hardly claim that this drink replaces the morning coffee, many people say the refusal of coffee after a few days drinking from morning of the machine water with lemon. The combination of water and lemon helps to increase the blood levels of water and oxygen, resulting in improved health.

Maintains the lovely skin
Chronic dehydration causes the skin looks dull. So you need to start your day, standing with the right foot, and drinking water with lemon. Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and the antioxidants contained in the lemon can counteract the aging factors.

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