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I returned to teaching astronomy at school

With the beginning of perestroika, the country flooded the preachers of all kinds, psychics, bred koldunai, healers and rogues… Via the TV, consecrated water, and shot a spell at the pictures… With the “blessing” of the authorities in the country there were all sorts of white brotherhood appeared to the virgin Mary Christ, all the elders, Oum Shinrikyo and Hubbard..

And there was something in the 60-ies of the last century, when it developed the Soviet space program, it was difficult to even imagine. The teaching of astronomy was canceled in 2008 And 2009 was declared by the UN General Assembly as the International year of astronomy in honor of the 400th anniversary of observations by Galileo the starry sky with a telescope. Galileo found in the moon mountains, Sun spots, Jupiter’s satellites, Saturn’s rings and the milky way was composed of stars. In our days, astronomy was rapidly developing science, open it follow one another. Astronomy is one of the fundamental Sciences, and has a serious impact on the development of other Sciences, culture, philosophy. .

But in our country the quality of education declined, the lessons of astronomy was canceled, and in physics lessons topics teachers hardly considered. The country wanted to drive in the middle ages and something on the way to make enemies and naive opportunists have been. Today, the idea of the Universe in children ( and many adults too) is very vague. Someone has calculated that almost a third of the students do not know of a Solar system and not particularly interested in what revolves around what )).


1. Return to the lessons of astronomy and cosmology to school. There are lots of interesting problems from astrophysics and cosmological hypotheses about the multiverse to assumptions about the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations and the possibility of a hypothetical contact with them. By the way, my distant children’s theme was called: “the Logical-systematic analysis of cosmological theories”…)) Astronomy is necessary and should be explored since childhood.

2. In biology particular attention should be given to teaching is also booming modern synthetic theory of evolution. Students and even some students in remote areas are so confusing that sometimes do not realize that creationism is not science, but religion. But on the contrary biology is science, not religion. By the way, Darwin was not a dogmatist, he knew the shortcomings of his theory and the necessity of transition to the theory of evolution of populations, not separate species as a result of selection of the fittest,why he started. He realized that the future of biology in the study of the ecosystem of the planet as a whole. But that’s another story…

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