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How to Wake up in the morning: 7 best ideas for vigor

Как быстро проснуться утром: 7 лучших идей для бодростиWake up in the morning in a great mood, cheerful and full of energy – who among us does not dream about it?

Experts argue that coffee is not the only effective method of dealing with the morning drowsiness.

Here is the methods that will certainly help everyone feel cheerful.

1. Light, Melatonin (the sleep hormone) is well produced by the body in the dark, so to reduce the amount you need to open the curtains or turn on a light.

2. A cold shower Experts say that from the cold in the brain are activated substance, which instantly chased away the drowsiness. A slight shock from the cold water also helps start metabolism.

3. Water As we are assured by researchers, during sleep, the human body loses large amounts water which can lead to dehydration and cause fatigue and distraction. Thus, it is recommended to start morning with a glass of water.

4. A healthy Breakfast is the First meal should consist of protein foods and slow carbohydrates.

5. Orange juice Citrus fruit rich in flavonoids that help improve mental abilities and concentration. Moreover, studies show that regular consumption of orange juice reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Charging Physical activity helps to saturate the oxygen to the brain and improve concentration. Also, it helps to lift your mood and improve health.

7. Music Favorite music increases the production of the hormone which is responsible for good mood. Therefore music is a good remedy against morning sleepiness.

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