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How to save the stomach from serious diseases

Как спасти желудок от серьезных болезнейDoctors told how to protect themselves from diseases of the stomach.

The stomach not only digests the food that we eat, but also affects our mood, health and happiness. It is the center of our body, which performs many vital functions.

We are talking not only about the aesthetic side of the question, a flat stomach is also important for health. If you care about the health of your stomach, you will feel much better.

If your stomach, on the contrary, does not work, you begin to experience fatigue and lack of energy, skin is pale and takes on a grayish hue, you begin to suffer from excess weight. Because of this, the body becomes more difficult to get rid of the toxins, and they accumulate in the blood.

How to understand that your stomach is not work?

Skin condition is the main indicator of the stomach. If it becomes oily or you suffer from acne, it is one of the first symptoms of its improper functioning.

Here are a few of the most common symptoms are: bad breath, dry mouth, white coating on the tongue, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence, poor appetite, nausea, belching, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion.

All these signals can indicate that the digestion process in your body is disrupted. If you suffer from one or more of them, you should think about a special treatment that will help the stomach to recover.

Which hurts the digestive system

Once you found one or more symptoms that indicate improper functioning of the stomach, you should pay attention to what you eat.

Sometimes we don’t notice that those products are harmful to our health, and we continue to consume them. In most cases, there are several reasons why we suffer from pain and heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and constipation.

The consumption of dairy products

In particular, whole raw milk and some cheeses. All dairy products are considered to be too heavy for the stomach.

Some experts say that this is due to the artificial additives that are contained in modern milk, others argue that mammals cannot drink milk after they come out of infancy.

Indeed, many people feel bad after they drank milk. This is because in our stomach do not have an enzyme needed to digest milk, due to which it can settle on the intestinal lining. It causes inflammation of the stomach, flatulence, accumulation of toxins and fats in digestive tract.

No diet

What we mean by that? That you are not waiting around for in between meals will take place at least two hours that you constantly eat sweets or chew gum.

This leads to the fact that our stomach never rests, he is forced to constantly digest food. In the result, nutrients are poorly absorbed, there is pain in the abdomen and indigestion.

The wrong combination of products

This means that you can not mix the products in a random order. Many nutritionists believe that it depends on each patient individually, however, it is not recommended to mix carbs with protein in one dish, if you have stomach problems.

For the digestion of carbohydrate necessary alkaline pH, and to digestion of protein — acidic. Gastric juice is forced to do very difficult work, as if the fire was lit and extinguished the fire at the same time. It is simply impossible.

It is best to eat proteins and carbohydrates separately, for example, the first for lunch and second for dinner.

Insufficient water intake

Surely you’ve heard that it is very important to drink at least two liters of pure water a day. It’s not just a whim, insufficient water intake between weigh down the digestion and causes constipation.

But try not to drink more than one glass of water during meals, so as not to dilute the gastric juice, and not to complicate the digestive process.

Too long heat treatment products

Some foods you can’t eat raw, but too long to cook them is not worth it. They are still low in nutrients, and these products can cause stomach damage.

Try to eat more raw foods (fruits and vegetables), regardless of what time of the year in the yard. Juices, cocktails and infusions will help you satisfy your hunger, saturate the body with nutrients and will allow you to save time spent on cooking.

Excessive consumption of red meat

This product does not contain the fiber needed for bowel movement, that’s why people who eat too much pork or beef, often suffer from colitis, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and constipation.

It is important to know that the human stomach has an elongated shape, and a very long intestine, which allows food to stay long in the digestive system.

All this increases the amount of toxins that are not excreted in the feces and accumulate in the body. If you love meat, eat it with fresh vegetable salad not more than twice a week.

A few tips that will help to take care of the stomach

Drink infusions of herbs, such as chamomile, anise or mint.

Exercise to stimulate the bowels.

Consume more fiber such as, whole grains.

Please refrain from irritating products such as alcohol, coffee and vinegar.

Chew your food well and eat slowly, do not eat standing up or on the run.

Never eat if you are nervous, anxious or angry.

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