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How to quickly get rid of the swelling of the face

Как быстро избавиться от отека лицаThese tips will help you to quickly get rid of puffiness of the face.

Swelling of the face familiar to almost every one of us – well, who had happened, waking up in the morning, to recoil from the mirror with a strange and unfamiliar reflection with swelling and oedema.

This phenomenon has its own reasons. And one of them is excessive consumption of water (especially at night). Everyone knows that on the day a person should drink 1.5 to 3 liters – it all depends on the time of year. In the summer, for obvious reasons, need more water to avoid dehydration (because the liquid entered through sweat). So, if you know a sin to drink water in large volumes, should try to shorten it. Remember that swelling of the face mostly produce carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Swelling may appear as a consequence of malnutrition. If you, for example, abuse is too spicy or salty food, it can lead to stagnation of fluids in the body. When you have analyzed yourself your drinking regime and nutrition and there is no reason to sin in them – is to be examined and to be tested for hormones. After all, hormonal failure (release of estrogen) may be another reason for swelling. Also, the appearance of swelling can affect the sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity – all this leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body.

To combat swelling, you first need to adjust the amount of fluid intake, eliminate sodas and alcohol. It is not necessary to sleep to drink juices, coffee or any drinks containing sugar. Will also have to revise your diet and avoid very spicy and salty food (or reduce consumption).

In order to quickly get rid of edema, it is possible to prepare a mask that will also remove under eye circles. One of the most effective masks for these purposes is a mask made from potatoes. For its preparation grate the raw potatoes on a fine grater, add to the resulting slurry, the chopped parsley and the resulting mixture apply on clean face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.

Therapeutic effect on swollen face will have a cucumber. In this case, in contrast, it is potatoes, it also helps to remove dark circles under the eyes. The scheme of actions of the former – grate the cucumber grated pulp and apply on the face. Eye you can put cucumber slices.

Great help to remove puffiness under the eyes tea. Just brew tea bags, cool and put on eyes. It is important to ensure the bag is NOT heated from the heat of the skin. As soon as you will feel it, turn the bag again and hold down the eyes. After 30 minutes of swelling will be over.

If you correctly adjust its mode of drinking and nutrition, will be to practice the mask, you will constantly stay fit, beautiful and healthy. And most importantly – not knowing anything about the swelling.

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