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How to learn to meditate correctly: 8 tips for beginners!

Today we will tell you about how to learn how to meditate! Meditation is a technique which can be mastered by everyone – these tips will help you to master the technique of meditation at home!

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How to learn to meditate?

I will tell you about how to properly meditate. Reveal all the nuances of meditation: how to choose, how to prepare for meditation, what position to take, how to get in and out of meditation. Their first practice meditation, you will begin directly today – the example of meditation will be given at the end of the article. Meditation is the relaxation technique of consciousness, liberation from anxiety and stress, unwanted thoughts, krusheniya “monkey consciousness”. A regular meditation practice at home will teach you how to control the consciousness, free from stress, improve memory and help to gain awareness of the existence! So, let’s begin!

How to prepare for meditation

Before meditating’ll need a good warm up physically. It can be anything — yoga, qigong, Jogging, gymnastics or even dancing. It is also good to take a shower and wear comfortable clean clothes. Make some special clothes for meditation: as the constancy of place and time, it helps to tune. To help create an atmosphere of candles and incense. Some people like to meditate in complete silence, someone helps quiet music for meditation – with this you can experiment. You can build a home altar on which are flowers, portraits of saints, subjects from the beautiful or Holy places where you’ve been. The main thing here — not to be formal: anything that you put on the altar, supposed to soothe and set you.


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How to choose a time for meditation

Different traditions recommend different times of day — qigong tells about the point of balance of Yin and Yang at midnight and noon, yoga advises sunset and sunrise. In General, this is not so important. Importantly, at this time you could fully retire and no you are not distracted.


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The place for meditation

They say that the true master does not come out of meditation and in the center of the market square. But the master, and the beginner needs perfect conditions. It is believed that it is easier to meditate with his face to the East, you can check it yourself. Place, like time, should be as calm as possible. It is always better to meditate in the same place and approximately in at one time. Then there is a strong habit and it will be much easier to take in practice.


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Traditionally, the best posture for meditation is considered the “Padmasana” (Read the material: “How to sit in the Lotus position” ), when both feet looking up, but only very few to sit comfortably in this position. The fit and “half Lotus”, and crossed in Turkish legs. Posture should be comfortable and sustainable.

But most importantly — a straight but relaxed back. To do this, beginners usually need a pillow of medium hardness (for example, stuffed with buckwheat). If you find it difficult to sit cross-legged, you can sit on a chair. When the body is still, circulation slows down and you may become cold. So take cover with a blanket — you should be warm and cozy. The hands can be put palms up or down on his knees, chin slightly lowered, eyes closed. On the face of light “smiling Buddha”, the tongue slightly touches the upper palate.


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Как научится правильно медитировать: 8 советов для начинающих!

The duration of meditation

You can literally start with a five minute meditation, increasing its length for a few minutes each day, until it reaches, for example, to hours. Here the most important is to taste the correct state, and if you catch him, you will want to increase the time. To not think about the minute, get an alarm clock.

The process

The whole point — in a calm, impartial and silent observation of the inner and outer world. We have to find a state of clear, empathetic presence without thoughts, opinions and fantasies.

Of course, it is difficult to even briefly escape from the thoughts and what is happening around. As soon as there is silence, you immediately begin to feel sleepy. Consciousness is not used to being empty and at the same time cheerful. But with each meditation it will be easier. Real meditation gives more energy than normal sleep.

So you completely relax and begin to contemplate their thoughts, feelings, body sensations, sounds and smells around. You should not react to what you see inside and outside. As if your consciousness is clear skies, which ran of a cloud, or a stream carrying fallen leaves. All that you perceive, comes and goes, and you continue to watch. If comes a thought — you don’t ponder, go. Comes another — you do the same. And so on.


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Better throughout the meditation is not to make any movements, but if something much itching or pain — move gently, trying not to lose contemplation. Also watch his movement and then return to meditation. If you suddenly noticed that already some time contemplating something or fantasize, forgetting about meditation, simply let go of thoughts and continue to meditate. Such moments of “remembering the forgetting” will be a lot through them and “pumping up the muscles” of mindfulness and attention.

The result

The main criterion of progress is the duration of moments of inner silence. Eventually there will be a very pleasant state of calm, ease and bliss. If you’re doing it right, love, awareness and spontaneous creativity in your life will be every day more and more. There are many techniques that help to learn how to meditate faster. Soon I will tell you about the most interesting and accessible of them.

Simple meditation for beginners

Start mastering the practice of meditation with simple daily meditation, relax the body and mind. Lie down in Shavasana or sit in the Lotus position. Relax. Then loosen all parts of your body. Start with the foot of the right leg, mentally telling your body “I relax the right foot. I relax the calf of the right leg. I relax the knee of the right leg”. And rising above (thigh, buttocks, press, hand, forearm, shoulder, etc.) in a circle around the whole body. You have to finish the foot of the left leg. Special attention is paid to relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck (one by one relax your forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, cheekbones, back of the neck and chin).

Now pay attention to the breath. Close the right nostril, and inhale through the left. Then hold your breath, count to three, and exhale all the air out of the lungs. Repeat this by closing the left nostril. Do this four times. Close your eyes and find any area of your body where there are still tensions. Work with this body part.

Then, visualize a bright warm light. Feel the light of pure loving energy penetrating into your body through the top, feel peace and the warmth spreading into all areas of your body. You can visualize this healing white light passing from the toes of your feet, the toxins and all the negative energy from your cells.

Quietly repeat these affirmations: “I am protected by this healing white light. Inhaling this light, I am in contact with divine energy. I am worthy of this healing light. I feel like my body is cleansed and healed by this light. I’ll keep this positive healing energy to you throughout the day. I feel happiness, health and peace.”

Time for this meditation before going to sleep. Follow the practice for three weeks.

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