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How to keep “men’s” health for years to come

Как сохранить «мужское» здоровье на долгие годыIt turns out that the climax happens and the men. How to postpone the event or to avoid it altogether, said the experts.

Representatives of the strong half of society rarely concern themselves with thoughts of approaching old age. They are sounding the alarm when they appear the first signs of aging, such as baldness, reduced potency, with all its consequences, chronic fatigue, weight gain, etc.

Not all were aware of the fact that men, like women, also have a period called the menopause. However, they tolerate it much easier, because the fall of the main male hormone testosterone does not occur abruptly. After 40 years in the male body originate in the irreversible processes of aging, but the level of testosterone decreases approximately 1% per year, so for 60 years a man can experience acute shortage of “male power”.

Doctors say that the most effective way in the fight for men’s health is hormonal therapy, in its sense, it is similar to the one prescribed to women beginning menopause. Only in the case of male hormones will increase or keep the normal level of testosterone.

There are simple rules under which a man many years to be strong in all senses:

1. Prevention of obesity should be carried out throughout life. Male must be slim and fit, and if it launches, then go to fight the female hormones that suppress testosterone production and, consequently, detrimental to male health. Therefore nutrition has to be right on schedule, fortified and nourishing.

2. Sports. With age a man loses his strength and is slowly turning into a grandfather, which someone has to maintain. To avoid this man, it is important to exercise and 20 and 40, and even 60, and the emphasis should be done on weight training, promotes development of endurance.

3. Proper rest. To save men’s health until the old man needs to rest, to sleep, to relax, etc. we can also add the hobby, as psychologically for men is very valuable to go fishing, hunting, building ships out of matches and engage in other activities, which women do not understand and can not do. When men in moral terms, everything is good, and potency is all good.

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