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How to eat sweets without gaining weight – tips nutritionists

Как есть сладости и не поправляться - советы диетологовIt became known that sweet tooth who wish to lose weight, don’t deny yourself favorite foods.

Probably everyone wants to eat sweets without gaining weight, and it is also effective to lose weight. In cakes, marshmallow, cakes, candy bars and other Goodies contains not only sugar, but also fats, carbohydrates, flavor enhancers and condiments. Plus, a large amount of calories is not associated with the correct diet and to keep your weight normal.

It turns out that it’s possible to get better, you only need to follow some rules, described by professional nutritionists:

1. Selectivity. If people will seriously approach the choice of sweets, he has plenty of chances to stay fit and healthy. As you know, marshmallows without chocolate, marmalade, bitter dark chocolate, honey and fruits do not harm the figure. But milk and white chocolate, all kinds candies and candy bars, waffles, cakes, pastries and so on cannot be called useful both for shape and for overall health. Therefore, nutritionists advise you to eat natural sweets in limited quantities.

2. Mode. Most modern nutritionists are confident that all sweet foods and foods to eat before dinner. Thus, the body will have time to spend the extra calories entering the body together with sweets. If you eat high-calorie sweet foods at night, it is likely that they leave the body and time with the formation of fat, resulting in weight gain, cellulite and other trouble to the person guaranteed.

3. Tea — apart pastry separately. This means that nutritionists insist on eating sweets and tea or coffee separately. In the case when a person sits down to drink tea with cookies, he can easily eat a lot more than I would eat without tea. Even if you drink tea without sugar, experts still do not recommend to drink it with sweets, and all water and any drinks should be consumed directly before the meal not during it or after.

4. Forget about the concept of dessert. So, you are in for meals you need to eat first, second, dessert and juice, but it echoes of the past, bringing health any good. The meal and dessert must be consumed at different times. A sweet tooth nutritionists advise to replace the second Breakfast for some sweetness, but for Breakfast and lunch, nothing sweet not to eat.

5. To say a sweet soda, packaged juices, coffee and tea with sugar – no. Alternatively, serve freshly squeezed juices from fruits and berries that will retain shape and will not have a negative impact on the body.

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