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How to cope with a headache without pills

Как справиться с головной болью без таблетокHeadache of any origin – the phenomenon is extremely unpleasant.

Treat the underlying cause is an important task, but it does not exclude the search of methods of situational pain. Acupressure when done correctly, it can be a replacement for the pills.

Head might hurt in the weather, be a result of stress, high blood pressure, tension in the neck region or after a hard day, with a high level of emotional tension. There are various methods of reducing the intensity of headache, there are basic methods of relapse prevention.

Prevention of headache

For most types of headache, we need to establish a healthy lifestyle:
enough sleep
fresh air
physical activity
healthy food (low food additives, processed food, fried, fish oils and vegetable oils are required)
reasonableness in the use of caffeine and tannin (the exceptions are people with low pressure, but they need caution)
regular General massage
relaxing treatments

How to relieve a headache without pills?
The answer is simple – using acupressure for the head. Today we offer you to learn massage by three triangles. How are these triangles on the head how to massage to relieve pain – look at the video.

The pain recedes immediately after the massage (5-6 minutes). Tested! But she might come back. So take care, rest well, eat and… if the headache is too strong and persistently, seem to the doctor. This condition requires treatment, often urgent.

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