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How to choose a watermelon without nitrates: tips

Как выбрать арбуз без нитратов: полезные советыHow to understand whether the watermelon nitrates and how they are harmful.

So I want to try a chilled and delicious watermelon to enjoy this flavor … But suddenly there is a nitrate?

How to identify them yourself.

How to determine the presence of high nitrate content in watermelon:
1. The flesh of the watermelon should not give a violet shade, and the fibers should not be yellow.

3. RUB the flesh of watermelon in the water. If the fluid is pink, you nitrate product. Water has just become cloudy.

4. Cut the watermelon, its surface may not be smooth and glossy, but only mild flavor.

5. If you soak 3-5 hours nitrate watermelon in the bathroom, the water will foam.

What else you need to know about nitrates:

– Nitrates in fruits and vegetables in more parts are in the peel, so you need to clean off it.

– Choose only ripe vegetables and fruits as they contain less nitrates than the green.

– More nitrates in the stalk, for example, in parsley nitrate is much less in the sheet.

– Do not eat unripe pulp of the watermelon near the rind. It contains large amounts of nitrates.

Eat fresh and chilled watermelon and make juices with mint.

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