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How to avoid mistakes when choosing payroll cards: tips for entrepreneurs

Как не ошибиться при выборе зарплатной карты: советы предпринимателям

When it comes to starting a new business, the question arises: which Bank to be served, so it was convenient to pay the tax, on contracts with partners or to pay salaries.

Here it is necessary to carefully examine the terms of services legal entities that offer financial institutions. It is better to cooperate with large domestic banks or entities with foreign roots, experts say.


As reported by NewsDay/24, now the competition on the market of salary projects is high, so banks charge quite low fees for payroll software, says the analyst of the company “Prostobank consulting” Ivan Nikitchenko (rates see the infographic).

“Over the past year increased slightly the cost of issuing the card. But dropped the service charge accounts — so overall payroll programs for businesses have become even cheaper,” explains Nikitchenko. According to his observations, the competition in the segment has grown, including, and from-for bankruptcies of banks, so many businesses had to change institutions. And the banks, in turn, are fighting for every customer, as fee and Commission income, in the face of declining lending volumes, now more important than ever. “Moreover, the attraction of payroll clients on service in Bank allows you to sell to individuals associated products: for example, lines of credit cards or deposits,” says Nikitchenko, reports Course Money.


Trying to get customer loyalty bonuses banks are developing, and often in addition to low commissions for payroll programs offer favorable terms on other products.

“The Bank may issue cards for high level of company management; to offer a line of credit on attractive terms; to install an ATM near the company,” lists finanalytica. Also banks can offer better conditions for the workers themselves: Deposit for special programs of higher interest; credit line to the cards with big limits and low rates; co-branded cards, premium cards. “But if the company has long serviced in the Bank or has a large number of staff, the Bank may establish individual terms,” — said Nikitchenko.

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