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Herbal teas help to lose weight

Травяные чаи помогут сбросить лишние килограммыAfter returning from vacation, you find that you’ve gained a few extra pounds?

Do not worry! Herbal tea will help you to get rid of them. The main thing — to put in it these ingredients. To purchase grass not only in pharmacy, but also to collect them for the city itself.

For treatment of tea required, buckthorn, dandelion, plantain, birch leaf, mint, corn silk, bearberry, knotweed, and Echinacea. All of them in equal parts mix, brew in the evening and drink for the next day half a Cup in 4-5 receptions.

This fee is shown in diseases leading to obesity, to improve digestion, output of cholesterol from the body and weight normalization.

There is a second variant of cleansing tea. It includes birch leaf, raspberries, Echinacea, nettle, dandelion, clover, rose hips, marigold and meadowsweet. The tea is just perfect for cleansing the body. It also helps to get rid of fat and toxins. The mixture should consist of equal shares. And to drink tea as usual — 1 Cup 2-3 times a day.

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