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Heaviness in chest: possible causes and how to remove it

Тяжесть в грудной клетке: возможные причины и как избавитьсяWhich is why there is heaviness in chest and how to treat it.

Covered ribs in the chest are the lungs, which are an important organ in the human body, tirelessly working round the clock. All know. That breath is life. Therefore, the health of the lungs should be treated carefully and responsibly.

Sometimes people complain of heaviness in the chest, appeared shortness of breath and shortness of breath. All these symptoms can cause the common cold, when accumulates in the bronchi, sputum and its expectoration difficult. Also, when cold it is quite possible inflammatory processes of the respiratory system. Can occur and more complex pathological changes of the lungs – obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Heaviness in the chest can cause and allergic rhinitis, the appearance of which provoke different allergens: dust, food , flowering.

How do you know the exact cause of chest pain? You should pay attention to the phenomenon – in diseases of the lungs, the exhale becoming increasingly difficult to do and it is becoming proteine than a breath. It happens that the exhalation is accompanied by wheezing. If you notice yourself or your loved ones such pronounced symptoms, immediately consult a doctor and pass a series of examinations. For easy specializiruetsya pulmonologist.

What research and analysis should go, if you have become concerned about the tightness in your chest? For starters, everyone should be mindful of the need to annually pass fluorographic research is the easiest method to systematically track the status of their lungs. It is also important to make a spirograph, which is a measure of lung capacity is the main measure of lung function.

If you suspect an allergic nature of the problem, you should obtain Advisory assistance from an allergist, who will likely prescribe allergiesthe to certain allergens.

How to deal with such symptoms – this is the next problem to be faced the person suffering from heaviness in the chest. In the case where breathing is difficult enough you should try to start taking antihistamines (suprastin, claritin).

With the stagnation of phlegm prescribe various expectorant syrups or tablets: plantain syrup, licorice, Bromhexine, and many others. More serious drugs can be prescribed only by the attending physician and then only after inspection and it is well established the reason for this patient’s condition.

If the reason for the heaviness in the chest will be the bronchial asthma, doctors can prescribe corticosteroids – hormonal drugs, which are potent anti-edematous and healing means. But the self and the self-appointed serious such drugs can lead to serious consequences.

It is important to understand that timely treatment in the hospital, can do much to prevent unwanted development of diseases of different nature.

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