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Healthy products for healthy and beautiful skin

Полезные продукты для здоровой и красивой кожиTOP 7 foods for glowing skin.

To cause your skin in excellent condition, try to include in the menu 7 useful products from today’s review.

1. Chia Seeds

One of the most valuable nutrients for skin health is omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain the elasticity of cell membranes, protect from drying out and saturated with moisture. Chia seeds are the ideal supplier of these compounds, especially if you stick to a plant-based diet. Simply soak seeds for a while in the water, stir and enjoy the original Chia pudding.

2. Fatty fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are beneficial for our skin not only as sources of omega-3 fatty acids, but also as suppliers of Biotin. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids and metabolized amino acids are the building “blocks” for proteins. Unpleasant effects of Biotin deficiency often include dryness and peeling of the skin – this is especially common phenomenon in cold season. So be sure to include snacks and meals of fish to your diet.

3. Sweet potatoes

Orange foods rich in beta-carotene, it was a real treat for the skin, and sweet potatoes (yams) is no exception. Beta-carotene is transformed in the body into vitamin a, moisturizes the skin, reduces inflammation, normalizes the secretion of sebum and gives the skin a radiant look and a light shade of tan. In addition to sweet potato, beta-carotene rich foods are: pumpkin, orange peppers, dried apricots, carrots and spinach.

4. Almonds

Delicious, sweet almond with its elegant bitterness – a great snack that helps day by day to maintain a radiant look of your skin. Filled to the brim with vitamin E, this nut helps to moisturize the skin and protects it from damage caused by the sun. By the way, winter is not losing its relevance, as sunlight reflected from snow can also be dangerous to skin cells.

5. Sunflower seeds

Nibble sunflower seeds – moveton? But your skin this snack tastes! These little seeds provide an uninterrupted intake of natural antioxidant of vitamin E, which helps protect the skin from free radical damage. After all, photoaging, which occurs as a result of such damage is no joke, but a real fact.

6. Products with complex carbohydrates

The fact that the products of refined white flour have a negative impact on the condition of the skin, long known to all dermatologists fact. It is believed that the pastries, pasta and other sweets increase inflammation and trigger acne for better skin barley, quinoa, amaranth and other grains with a high content of complex carbohydrates. Also in the list of “for replacement” gets white rice – instead, suggest you to choose wild, brown and brown types of rice.

7. Orange juice

If you find an article criticizing the orange juice, then know this: most likely, we will be talking about store-bought juice with added sugar and preservatives. Natural fresh effect on the skin only positive: it provides the cells with liquid and vitamin C which works as antioxidant and protects against premature aging. This vitamin is also involved in the synthesis of collagen – the main structural protein of the skin, retains its youthful and fresh appearance.

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