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Habits that kill our vision

Привычки, которые убивают наше зрениеIt is very frustrating when your eyes get tired.

A day sitting at the computer, and not to sleep in the office drinking gallons of coffee? Know that you are doing everything to ensure that your vision is falling at an alarming rate.

Professor of ophthalmology Andrew Sergeenko told that the computer has a detrimental effect on the entire human body.

Take breaks

“On close and middle distance from the computer – very tense eye muscles, accommodative apparatus. Therefore, people who work a lot for a PC, it is so important every 30-45 minutes to take a break and rest”, – said the expert.

Drink plenty of pure water

The General recommendation from Professor Sergeenko: drink less coffee (especially coffee) and tea, but more pure water.

“The fact that coffee has a diuretic effect, it excites the nervous system, quickly depleting the energy of the body. A rush of energy whip, which hits the nervous system, then comes the decline,” says the ophthalmologist.

Eye on 90% consists of water. From the volume of circulating fluid and its speed depends on the speed of recovery of the structures of the eye. So the Professor recommends drinking about 2.5-3 litres of clean water a day, small portions.

Not so long ago was carried out a psychological study in which scientists found: a common feature of most successful people is that they are all Vodoley.

Do workout

Another threat to office workers – sedentary lifestyle. According to Sergeenko, hours of work sitting is very bad due to excessive static load tire of not only the eyes but also the back, and brain.

“Move, do stretching and other exercises, the blood in the back does not stagnate. Eyes always suffer indirectly because of the deterioration of cerebral blood flow,” he says.

Sergeenko believes that with the office staff, the situation is just like with athletes: “they know they can become disabled, but professional sports do not go away”. Of course, it is unlikely that the employer will be happy with your frequent breaks, but to do at least the minimum in your power.

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