Home / Photo report / Graceful butterfly from tecnomotor. Photo

Graceful butterfly from tecnomotor. Photo

Изящные бабочки из техномусора. ФотоIt seems that the butterfly will flap their wings and fly to a flower lawn.

Technical waste is one of the most detrimental to nature, along with plastic garbage.

Old phones, computers and laptops are unlikely to ever completely disappear from the earth – the details of these devices can be kept almost unchanged up to our propranalol. An artist from Britain, Julie, Alice Chapell decided that maybe one of these old electronic devices to make something wonderful – as opposed to the disgusting debris. Thus was born her incredible computer of a butterfly.

Instead of sending old electronic devices on a garbage dump, Julie Alice Chappell (Julie Alice Chappell) parses them apart, and gives new life to wires, switches, buttons and circuit boards. In this pile of parts is difficult to see the future insects, but the artist can do this.

Among the works Chapel you can find not only gorgeous butterflies but also dragonflies and even cockroaches. However, any insects that are born from the bowels of the computers in the hands of Chapell be beautiful even if we are talking about big fat bugs. Translucent wings, neat paws, fine antennae – detalizirovannoi these insects is simply amazing. She Chapell calls his work “Computer Component Bugs” that plays with the ambiguity of the word “bug” that can be translated into Russian as “beetle,” and as a “computer problem”.

Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото
Изящные бабочки из техномусора. Фото

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