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Galina was a good mother. In his twenty three years she had miserably failing career as a model, dance in a night club and what we confess, to work in the oldest profession. And then she met… No, not the Prince, but it is a decent father, sixty years of the factory Director. “Miraculously”, with the help of a young friend, she got pregnant and became a wife and mother.

Responsibilities of the hostess it is not loaded – was a servant. As a wife she was interested in her husband one or two times a month, was affected by age. So all the free time Galina was given to the education of Isabella and, of course, to care for themselves. So she read about in fashion, a glossy magazine about “psycho-chemotherapy-hormone inoculations character.”

Article in “serious” publication was very impressed by Galya. She sat one-year-old Isabella in his Nissan and ran to the clinic Alice Basilio, which was located in the center. Decent repair, polite nice girl at the front Desk of the administration, finally convinced Galina that she was in the citadel of science.

Leaving the child in the nursery, she went to the doctor. The office was similar and not similar to other medical offices. Walls in soft light green tones. Diplomas in gilded frames. A that immediately caught my eye Galina, were non-Russians. Unchanged glass Cabinet with medicines and heavy oak bookshelves. The names even of the Cyrillic alphabet did not say anything to the girl.

The doctor sat behind a Desk made of laminated chipboard. Athletic woman of about forty-five. Light hair is pulled into a knot. Overly long face was altered with the mind-selected gold-rimmed spectacles. A minimum of makeup and neatly trimmed nails without nail Polish. And, of course, green medical gown. All of its one hundred fifty-five centimeters Alice Basilio looked like a doctor.

“Hello,” said Alice po-Russki clean, just a little bit oddly pronounced vowels, the article stated that Alice Basilio comes from Naples and graduated from the Sorbonne – how can I help You?

“Hello,” before doctors Galya always a little lost – I read an article in magazine about Your best practices and I would like… – the girl hesitated, not knowing how better to explain the uncertainty.

– Would you like to know, ‘ smiled Alice – not charlatans?

Galina blushed, luckily the makeup hid it. Alice turned the computer monitor so that Gale could be seen.

– No quackery! – confidently and calmly began to tell the doctor Basilio, she turned on the computer, the screen Popoli incomprehensible charts, diagrams and computer models of molecules – We have found a way to instill in children those qualities of character that the parents desire. With the help of hormonal chemical stabilizers we are slowing down the development of undesirable psychoreactive and stimulate necessary.

Galina watched and listened to the doctor as Papuan shaman. Yes indeed, what has changed for the layman? Instead of summoning spirits and demons, modern spellcasters mention DNA and neurons. Instead of the poetic spells, the words of which the language of collapse like RNA or neurotransmitters. But if those words can stick the prefix “nano”, and does come with awe before the “power of science”. “Nano” Alice used at the required frequency.

And is it safe? – timidly asked Galina, the maternal instinct was trying to reach out to women through her mind.
– What Are You. – smiled again Dr. Basilio – All perfectly safe. In addition, we give 99% guarantee that to develop the child will have the qualities that you choose. Shall we?

Galina nodded. The doctor opened the medical Cabinet and pulled out a large low drawer made of transparent plastic, with multiple partitions. Each was inserted into the vial. On the side of the box was engraved the chemical formula and the numbers next to each row and column. Alice took out one of the vials. It was a transparent slightly yellowish liquid.

– It works on opposites. he continued to explain to the doctor and pulled out a second vial from neighboring cells – Two diametrically opposed traits. One suppressed, the other appears. Like Yin and Yang. You know?

– I understand that. – Gal was pleased that at least something of the scientific language of doctors she knew.

– Just be honest. slightly frowned the doctor Basilio – Otherwise the result will not meet Your desires. Rest assured, medical secret I’ll keep. It’s medical ethics. Let’s start.

She made the entry in the computer and put the first two vials in front of Galina:

– Generosity or prudence? – Galina thought.

Of course, the wonderful traits make a person almost Holy in the eyes of others. But at the same time an idiot, which all use. If she wants that for her daughter? Well, to the devil! Generous should be the man, the woman is no good:

– Prudence!

– Are you sure? – asked the doctor.

– Sure, thrift.

– Your Business. – shrugged Alice. One hid the vial back, and the second laid out on a sterile cloth. – Let’s continue.

Galina had to choose between kindness and pragmatism, honesty and diplomacy, humility and pride… She picked and chose. And every time the choice came across to others like that in life more necessary and more practical. Finally the selection was over. All the vials were mixed in a sterile vial, and a small insulin syringe stuck a new character in, desperately screaming for Isabella. Galina paid the hefty bill and took blubbered daughter to McDonald’s. And Alice Bazileva that a year and a half fooling glamorous moms, lit by the window. Included Vadim, her assistant:

Are you all right?

Yeah, don’t worry, I’m fine. – Alice answered.

– I ask, – said Vadim – but what are you chopping? It is at least not dangerous? I really don’t want a term in prison.

– Nonsense. grinned Alice – Vitamins for children.

– Are not you afraid that you will reveal? Some very cool daddies.

– Vadim, they will raise their children in accordance with their own wishes. sighed Alice, And we got nothing to do with it.

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