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Goiter – causes and treatments

Дисбактериоз - причины заболевания и способы леченияDysbacteriosis violation of the composition and the ratio of specific microorganisms in the microflora.

System according to the international classification of diseases, condition caused by an imbalance of microflora in the gut is not a disease.

But at local hospitals the diagnosis “dysbacteriosis” is often put, because the imbalance often causes discomfort to patients, respectively, in need of correction. He is accompanied by a number of symptoms — nausea, bloating, lack of appetite. Often in patients with a pronounced dysbiosis appears white coating on the tongue, worsening skin condition, weakens the immune system.

What to do when all the symptoms of dysbiosis are obvious? For a start, to confirm the presumptive diagnosis using fecal (PCR). If the results of the analysis confirm the existence of problems should long-term treatment of intestinal dysbiosis as rapidly restore the microflora, alas, is unlikely to succeed.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis after antibiotics

The administration of antibacterial drugs is one of the most common causes of violations of the intestinal microflora

Alas, this side effect is a kind of payback for getting rid of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Modern medicine recommends that in parallel with antibiotic therapy and immediately after its completion to drink a course of preparations containing the missing elements of the intestinal microflora at high concentrations. But loved by many yogurt with bifidobacteria are unlikely to help cope with the problem because the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach destroys the colonies of beneficial microorganisms before reaching the intestine.

With them, the doctor will prescribe substitute drugs,which contain enzymes that in the body of a healthy person produced by the microflora, as well as sorbents and other drugs, allowing to minimize the unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis. The treatment lasts usually several weeks to eliminate the symptoms. The standard scheme of correction of the state of a patient with a goiter looks like this:

identifying and eliminating the causes of changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora;

normalization of digestion with the help of sparing diet, elimination of acute dyspeptic symptoms (pain, bloating, nausea, disorders of the chair);

the purpose of pre – and probiotics, antiseptics and bacteriophages that destroy pathogens;
strengthening immunity by immunomodulators.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis in newborns

Newborns problems with the microflora of the intestine usually occur as the result of colonization of the intestine by pathogenic bacteria. The first day after birth, the intestines are still sterile (don’t exist no bacteria), and then starts the process of colonisation as beneficial bacteria, necessary for digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and harmful microorganisms.

Infant signs of dysbiosis include frequent constipation or diarrhea, poor weight gain, decreased appetite, flatulence in the first days of life. Natural prevention of this condition is considered to be an early attachment to the breast: the earlier a child first tries breast milk and will begin full to eat them, the less chances he has to earn dysbacteriosis. In the presence of a microflora imbalance in treatment of the newborn begin with the normalization of the diet: breast-feeding remains, mixed feeding some time do not prescribe new products (especially if we are talking about fruit purees and juices).

If human breast milk detected by Staphylococcus aureus or other pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to treat the mother without stopping breastfeeding the baby, since abrupt weaning and transfer to the milk formula can only worsen his condition.

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