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How to choose a natural and delicious milk

Как выбрать натуральное и вкусное молокоThree proven ways to choose the best quality milk.

According to statistics, the milk, the Ukrainians are increasingly consumed in the cold season, when vitamin becomes less and supply should be addressed. During this period sales increased, but unfortunately increasing the number of cases with poisoning in the hospital.

How to choose a quality and healthy milk told technologist and expert Andrey Babayev.

In the supermarket you can buy 4 kinds of milk — pasteurized, sterilized, UHT and restoration.

Pasteurized milk was delicate short-time heat treatment at a temperature of 65-95°C. At the same time destroyed all vegetative pathogenic flora, but remain lactic acid bacteria causing fermentation of milk. Therefore, pasteurized milk is stored for about 5 days.

This milk retains most of the useful components, the more gentle heat treatment, the more benefit from this milk you will get.

But during sterilization the milk is subjected to more severe treatment over 100°C for 15-30 minutes. In this milk no germs and their spores, and it has a long shelf life, however, loses a significant portion of nutrients. Thus, when sterilization for shelf stable reduced flavor and nutritional value of the product: carbohydrates are partially broken down, destroyed of the vitamins, taste, smell of milk and such milk will progorkaet rather than sour.

When sterilization of the milk can be kept from 1.5 months to 6 months depending on the type of packaging.

Ultra pasteurization
Modern methods of processing milk is ultra pasteurization, in which raw milk of the highest quality is heated to a temperature of 135-137 °C for a few seconds. When this disappears in milk microflora and bacterial spores, and the natural beneficial properties are retained with minimal losses. It is stored not more than 6 months.


Reconstituted milk appears in stores in the winter when there is not enough solid milk made from powdered milk and water, but the milk is rarely on sale.

It should be noted that reconstituted milk is inferior to milk from drinking milk-raw materials in biological value due to partial destruction during drying of milk.

Under high temperatures there is a decrease in vitamins, the availability of amino acids and loss of other biologically active substances of milk.

Which one to choose?

Choosing milk refrigeration showcase, you should carefully examine the label on the package, the manufacturer must bear the inscription, which will help you to understand that before you milk, milk product or milk-containing product.

Milk is better to buy in glass and carton packaging, as per the polyethylene milk spoils faster.

Increasingly, there are enriched dairy products with healthy additives: “fortified milk”, “milk enriched with vitamin C, calcium”, “milk with lactulose”, to give preference to need this dairy products. Since the additional introduction into the milk of essential nutrients that are lacking in our body, helps to solve not only the problem of the deficit, but with regular use improves the condition of our health.

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