Home / Medicine / How to cleanse the body of toxins and “toxins” without harm to health

How to cleanse the body of toxins and “toxins” without harm to health

Как очистить организм от токсинов и «шлаков» без вреда для здоровьяEffective ways to clean the intestines.

Become a fashionable trend of recent years, a healthy way of life, introduced such a thing as a colon cleanse.

Whether this procedure really is and what are the indications to its carrying out.

It is known that digestion is a complex system, every organ which performs an important function. Different foods require different conditions for digestion. Certain factors can influence the difficulty of absorption and contact with the colon not fully digested fragments of food.

Thus, the so-called accumulate toxins in the intestine causing many health problems. Poor conductivity of the intestine and difficulty voiding, and may cause formation of toxic masses in the body, weighing up to 15 lbs. Acting from the digestive system into the blood, the toxins slowly poison the body, exerting comprehensive influence functions and systems.clean the intestines

That it is time to clean the intestines showed the following symptoms:

constant fatigue and sleepiness, apathy;
frequent headaches
bad breath;
strong coating on the tongue;
the loss of tone and dryness;
heaviness, bloating, stomach rumbling;
pain in the intestine;
skin rashes;
the presence of hanging moles on the neck or in the armpit;
the plaque on the teeth.

Having had some or all of the symptoms, you should think of how to cleanse the body of toxins, avoid serious illness and improve overall health. In addition to the positive effects on the body, in the long term, timely and regular cleaning gives foreseeable effect already after the first year of the event:

reduction of body weight;
restoration of the natural dimensions of the gut;
restore regularity;
increase vitality;
overall improvement of skin and hair;
the disappearance or reduction of symptoms of chronic diseases.

Ways to clean the intestines

Acute bowel disease should be tested and treated at the clinic. These include: hemorrhoids, severe, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, cancer of the colon or rectum. Not recommended for machine washing (enema) and in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

Before choosing a method how to clean the intestines, it is important to take into account their own feelings, to take into account contraindications and, if necessary, seek medical advice. Improperly performed procedure can disrupt the microflora (especially if microflora after taking antibiotics already changed) to cause a dysbacteriosis of the intestine.

Common methods of cleaning:

Colon hydrotherapy.

The procedure is performed in a medical institution and represents the colonic water.how to cleanse the bowel.

Laxatives. Natural emptying, stimulated special medical drugs. Before you purchase drugs for cleansing, it is better to consult a doctor.

Purification of salt water. An independent technique, involving the consumption of large quantities of boiled salted water (about 10 glasses), with the subsequent evacuation.

Enema. The procedure of purgation, in which the rectum is introduced a liquid, stimulating a natural evacuation.

Self cleaning intestines

Home colon cleanse may any of the following methods, in addition to colon hydrotherapy. Each procedure involves a procedure, however, before you clean the intestines at home, you should prepare by following these rules:

to reduce the consumption of animal food;
to increase the amount you drink up to 2 liters;
to perform daily exercises for the abdominals;
a course of treatment for parasites (if any has been detected);
to do a stool test to identify pathogenic organisms.

All these measures are binding. Disregard the last two paragraphs, can provoke intestinal inflammation, the development of a number of infectious diseases, the migration of parasites via the gastrointestinal tract and cause severe forms of disbacteriosis.

Cleaning with salted water

This method is most comfortable for holding in the home. Before you start a colon cleanse should be free to spend fasting for 8 hours. Also, it is necessary to prepare a solution: 4 liters of boiled water + 8 table spoons of salt. All that you need to drink during one hour. Next, after approximately 90 minutes, will occur defecation. The procedure is considered successful if the fraction of the discharge consists of clean water. If not, blow away, repeat the cleaning of the bowel is repeated after 2 hours.

Cleaning with enema

The most common and affordable way to clean the bowel using enemas douches. A device for its implementation can be bought in every pharmacy. Precede the procedure with disinfection of facilities, use of hydrogen peroxide or other chlorine-containing solutions.how to clean the intestines

Warm boiled water diluted with salt, in a ratio of 1 liter of water 3 tablespoons of salt and poured into the bowl of an enema. Next, you need to gradually introduce the solution into the bowel to the man through the anus. Most convenient to carry out the procedure in the lying position on your side or on all fours with a slightly raised pelvis.

Re-treatments are advised not earlier than 2 weeks. In addition to the salt components of the solution may be: decoction of chamomile, laxatives for digestion, sea buckthorn oil. In some cases, the holding of cleansing procedures could cause the elimination of useful bacteria. After a series of treatments, it helps to restore microflora, by entering in the diet of dairy products, increasing consumption of water. If problems previously exist, you should drink a course of preparations for the microflora prescribed by your doctor.

Cleaning with correct nutrition

Effective and easy to do a preventive cleaning of the intestines by adding to the diet certain foods. There are a number of ways to cleanse the body in General, without consultation with your doctor and the use of special tools and preparations. One of these products are bran. The systematic consumption of food is absolutely safe product is a good diet for bowel. Coarse particles of shells of grains and fiber is washed from the intestines of all the old accumulations, restoring healthy microflora.

Gentle treatment of the intestine and cleansing of the digestive tract occurs with regular use of cereals. Dietary fiber of rice, oats, pearl barley and buckwheat are excellent job of cleansing the intestines. A positive effect and the inclusion in the diet plenty of fresh vegetables and apples. We should not forget about the significant influence of water for all metabolic processes in the body, including digestion. For a natural elimination of toxins, you should increase the daily intake of pure water to 10-12 glasses.

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