Home / Incredible / Gamma-ray burst could kill life on Earth – scientists

Gamma-ray burst could kill life on Earth – scientists

Гамма-вспышки могут убить жизнь на Земле, - ученыеGamma-ray burst have the ability to completely destroy all life on Earth.

The scientific staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that the cause of the mass extinction on Earth could be a gamma-ray burst.

To confirm this, scientists using computer technologies modeled the effect of radiation on living organisms.

Experts from MIT were able to quickly demonstrate the result of exposure to gamma-ray flares on the Earth’s inhabitants. They emphasized that the radius of action equal to the scale of the whole planet. With the help of computer technology, they have achieved a simulation of rebirth a supernova to a neutron star. According to statements by employees of the Department of astrophysics, a burst of energy equivalent to the stock of solar heat for 10 billion years. As a result of exposure of gamma rays, all life on our planet just died out.

According to scientists, the explosion of a supernova leads to massive destruction. The consequences are so great that the entire ozone layer of the planet could be destroyed. As a result, the impact of gamma-ray burst was increased 16 times, followed by acid rain. Study author Michael Gouinlock focuses on the fact that after the whole process of rebirth on Earth the temperature could drop to a critical level. He says that half of all celestial bodies in the Solar system came under the influence of a supernova explosion, therefore it is necessary to re-examine the possibility of life on other planets.

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