Home / Science and technology / For charity, Zuckerberg sold more than 760 thousand shares of Facebook

For charity, Zuckerberg sold more than 760 thousand shares of Facebook

Ради благотворительности Цукерберг продал более 760 тыс. акций FacebookThe Fund’s goal is “improving human potential and the spread of equality”

CEO and founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg sold for charity more than 760 thousand shares, worth about $95 million.

According to Bloomberg, the initiator of the sale was the family funds Zuckerberg Zuckerberg Initiative Chan Holdings and Chan Zuckerberg Foundation. The cost per share ranged from $122,8 up to $received 124.3.

The value of the shares sold is likely to decrease to $85 million after paying Zuckerberg taxes.

See also: Facebook and Unity create a gaming platform for PC gamers
According to Bloomberg that Zuckerberg sells his shares for the first time after the statement. Forbes notes that the Fund Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded, so he and his wife Priscilla Chan were able to fulfill their promises.

The purpose of the Foundation is “improving human potential and the spread of equality, it seeks to create the conditions to improve education, cure diseases and strengthen companies.

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