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Foods that only seem useful

Продукты, которые только кажутся полезнымиIn the pursuit of a healthy diet and excellent forms, many often fooling themselves.

The food is “sugar free” and foods with low fat not only benefit the body, but is able to hurt him.

The experts have compiled a list of products that only pretend to be useful.


Cereals — eat and lose weight? It is unlikely, said recently officials from the organization checking products in Britain — Food Commission. They tested ten types of the most popular cereals and found that some of them are as fat as fast food, such as sweet as chocolate pudding.

Packaged juices

Everyone has heard about the huge amount of sugar in the sweetest soda in an ordinary Bank contains 6 teaspoons. Less well known is that approximately the same is the content of harmful substances in fruit juices. So, if we drink juice, it is better fresh and without any sugar. Otherwise, the risk of diabetes, obesity and other health problems.

Curd cheese

Glazed cake cheese with the point of view of a nutritionist, are no better than candy. It contains a lot of calories, sugar and fat. By the way, in the confectionery industry glazed curds are, and rightly so, for the category of candy.

Products without sugar

Very wary of doctors are products that say “sugar free”, but they are sweet. First, the sugar can simply be called by other names, replacing, for example, is no less dangerous fructose. Second, even if you use sweeteners with zero calorie is unclear, they do not violate the same insulin metabolism, tricking the body with its sweet taste.

Low fat foods

A very controversial issue about whether to choose low fat products — cheese, milk, yogurt. On the one hand, to reduce caloric intake is helpful. But on the other hand, there is a danger not to reduce the calorie content. Often the lack of fat leads to the fact that the product loses its flavor. Therefore, the manufacturers to neutralize this negative effect can mask the lack of flavor added to the product of large amounts of sugar.

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