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Five summer drinks to quench your hunger and thirst

Пять летних напитков для утоления голода и жаждыShare recipes of drinks that can cope with the feeling of hunger and thirst.

Heat quietly sneaks up ahead of time preparing us for the summer and now it is important for yourself to know what drinks you can quench your thirst and hunger – in the hot season, everybody wants to look amazing.

To know about these beverages is important because every woman is constantly hungry and look amazing – how can these two desires be reconciled – ‘ll continue. Tame appetite will help these five beverages, is able to saturate our body and to cope with the feeling of hunger.

Water with lemon and honey

This symbiosis of useful products will help to quell the urge to eat something sweet, which certainly leads to the formation of extra pounds on the sides and buttocks. It is possible in such a refreshing summer drink to add more cinnamon and nutmeg – so the regular water will turn into an energy drink. It will help to safely survive the time until lunch, not ismetimas from feeling hungry.


This ancient and very popular drink is also very useful, as it is able to relieve acute hunger. This is possible due to the excellent nutritional value of this bread drink. Thus, food after consumption of kvass will be going into an empty stomach. For the fastest weight loss and in the struggle with a constant feeling of hunger kvass to drink in between meals. Now there are many variants of this drink: strawberry, berry, honey, wheat – the choice is yours. Importantly, he was a natural.

Apple broth with raisins

This drink can effectively soothe the feeling of hunger. Drinking Apple cider broth with Izumo, you’ll be able to adjust the acidic conditions of the body and the production of gastric juice. This is a great way not to overeat and at the same to lose weight quickly. To prepare this drink, you’ll need to just slice one Apple, add some raisins and water. This mixture is brought to boiling and after cooling is ready for use. Important – this drink is absolutely safe for kids and expectant mothers.

Honey drink with rose hips

This is another great tool to stave off hunger. Tea with honey and rose hips is quite common among different weight loss diets. Sour drink from the hips with sweet honey notes provide a feeling of satiety and distract appetite. And in this case it is possible to add to the drink a spicy cinnamon – so it will be even spicier.


This aromatic beverage is prepared from fresh, frozen or dried berries and fruits. It will give your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients. The compote also helps to eliminate toxins and satisfies your hunger. Everyone dreams to lose weight, it is necessary to introduce this wonderful drink in your diet on a regular basis. The diversity of cooking this compote can only please. If your goal is parting with a few pounds – eat the compote without sugar in its natural form.

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