Home / Science and technology / Farasha SOWATCH – smart watches, diagnosing heart disease

Farasha SOWATCH – smart watches, diagnosing heart disease

Farasha SOWATCH - умные часы, диагностирующие болезни сердцаRecently, the American brand Farasha presented a unique smart watch SOWATCH caring about the health of the user. They can replace even medical devices such as sphygmomanometer and thermometer. Innovative gadget equipped with sensors that control the functioning of the body during exercise and can detect heart disease in its early stages!

The impression that the producers of smart hours involved in crazy impressive numbers. The screen resolution and memory capacity of smart watches are rapidly increasing, and the performance and independence grow by leaps and bounds. The price catalog “Press” already contains a lot of smart watches that can compete in terms of features with inexpensive smartphones. This vector of development is not surprising: for most buyers of smart watches top priority is their functionality.

Recently the world’s increasing demand for wearable gadgets to help track physical activity. For this reason, many modern smart watch can calculate the distance traveled and the number of steps, measure heart rate to determine calories burned. However, the company Farasha decided to go in this area even further. Submitted September 13, smart watch SOWATCH Farasha will be an invaluable resource not only for athletes but also for people with a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The company representatives claim that SOWATCH constantly monitor the operation of the circulatory system of the body and analyze the performance. So this watch can early detection of hypertension, arrhythmia and other heart diseases, as well as to record sleep disturbances and a number of other ailments.

It is important that SOWATCH can even without a connection to the phone to send to loved ones or physician user a notification that he has been diagnosed with a certain disease or perhaps a heart attack.

However, this watch will be useful not only for the “core”, and for athletes. Before you start training, people will be able to choose your sport, then the clock will begin to track the number of important parameters: time of employment, overcome distance, speed, heart rate, oxygen content in blood, arterial pressure, etc. Interestingly, users of the gadget will also not be necessary to use a thermometer, as the clock constantly measure body temperature. Detailed reports on any indicator can be viewed on the screen.

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