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Fans raised Battlefield 2142

Фанаты воскресили Battlefield 2142Electronic Arts has closed servers Battlefield 2142 in June 2014.

In June 2014, the company Electronic Arts has closed servers Battlefield 2142, leaving fans of the shooter without a single possibility to continue to enjoy the battles in a science fiction setting. This scenario, gamers are not satisfied, so they decided to resurrect the game yourself.

The development project was carried out in the open for quite a long time. The official release took place on September 23. The representatives of Electronic Arts has still not sent any notification or requirements to close the server, so we can assume that the developers are happy with the resurrection of their project.

In early September, the game counted more than 1,100 players staying in the game at the same time. Depending on the time of day the number of players drops to 100. During peak hours in a shooter is always about 500 players. In other words, gamers will be someone to play with.

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