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Experts have told the truth about diet soda

Эксперты рассказали всю правду о диетической газировкеDiet soda is threatened by obesity and strokes.

Diet soda is for our health is no better than the most common, according to experts in the field of healthy nutrition from Purdue University in the USA.

Drinks with low calories equally dangerous from the point of view of the threat of obesity and heart disease, as they confuse our brains.

Do not assume diet sodas are more healthy and waistline as they contain fewer calories. Billions of people consume artificially sweetened beverages in order to avoid the calories and sugar. However, during the five-year study, American scientists have found that diet soda is exactly the same probability threatens the person obese. Even those lovers of diet drinks that don’t gain weight, still have an increased risk of developing diabetes or heart disease, and stroke. Note that the authors of the study were surprised with the results.

“To be honest, I thought that diet sodas will be significantly more useful compared to regular sodas in terms of health, says the study’s author, Professor Susan Swithers. But in reality the effect was exactly the same. There is no doubt that artificial sweeteners has fewer calories. However, this “false promise” of these calories as if “messing with” our brain”.

When lovers diet carbonated drinks use real sugar, their body does not know how to respond. After a large number of similar soda sweet taste food do not cause allocation of the natural hormone for regulating the level of blood sugar. This means that this figure drops, causing hunger and the need for sweets. In addition, diet soda also makes the centers for the promotion of the brain, constantly giving rise to a reaction of satisfaction. As with repeated drug use, the brain eventually gets used to this level of stimulation, which we eat more to achieve satisfaction.

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