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Experts advised not to charge smartphones via USB

Эксперты посоветовали не заряжать смартфоны через USBIt can be dangerous.

When a man charges your smartphone via USB, the attackers can steal data from the device.

To such conclusion experts of “Kaspersky Lab”.

In the experiment were tested a few phones running operating systems Android and iOS. Using USB connect to computers on which Windows and MacOS.

While charging with the phone via USB to the computer transmitted data, the packet which depends on the manufacturer, system version, device firmware. According to “Kaspersky Lab”, there is a transfer of a standard data packet which includes the device type, serial number, file system information and so on.

The company notes that this data can use hackers, as the identification device allows identification of its weaknesses.

As a result of these actions on the device can be discreetly installed an app to control a system file that cannot be deleted by standard means. User data is left in place, but the gadget is fully compromised,
— stated in the message.

This method gives the attackers the ability to install and delete programs, copy photos, videos, messages, apps and cache files.

The experts advise to adhere to the following guidelines:

— Install on the phones passwords;

— Use for charging only computers that you trust;

— Turn off your phone while charging.

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