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Election grace

This is my article appears today in the “Free press”

On the eve of the parliamentary elections naturally occur in all new initiatives to enhance the popularity of the government in the eyes of the population. What unites these initiatives, on what grounds, except confinement to the election, you can isolate this kind of activity? The main signs of uniting the two.

First: as a rule, one-two with the second course, using the image of the well-known anecdote, according to the principle “get a goat”. That is, first creation (not someone from the outside, not the Martians, and the same power conditions it is absolutely unacceptable, something to push and even a goat in the already crowded room. And then the generous gesture, saying, well, so be it, get a goat… And anyway, we flog not all daily, but only every second Saturday…

Sign the second: create only visibility of alleviating the situation of certain categories of citizens, holding pharamcy events, but do not change anything in substance.


A recent example of such implemented initiatives – change the order of payment of evacuation of incorrectly parked cars in Moscow. Change, of course, informed. It should be: return of personal property – separately of course, and the payment of a fine and payment of evacuation. But think about it: for the sake of the deputies even suddenly from the holidays left. This is necessary so tensely and continuously on ordinary people to take care of. And before even initially, when I took the old order, that had no idea that he and unconstitutional (unreasonable withholding of another’s property, and even for a considerable fee), and extremely inconvenient for people, especially for foreigners who are in the car and documents with money could leave, and because in principle, it turned out, was not able to pay the fine and reclaim their property?

The main thing remains unchanged – clearly the fiscal and repressive policy against the citizens. Instead of expansion and development of the infrastructure of life and movement throughout the vast country, artificial stimulation of spermageile, unreasonable and absurd crowding, with the subsequent haircut docile sheep – owners.


Another example of such initiative is still in the plan at the stage of discussion. But for elections, I suppose, ripen. And the question really is worth it. Offers Supreme will release us from the guilt of so-called “cumulative component of the pension system. Served this as if it is expected to opt out of the compulsion of citizens to transfer part of their financial resources financial speculators. But agree that it would be too much.

Really: begin to understand the nature of the proposals, and it turns out that the question is not whether to actually release the citizens from taxes for the benefit of financial speculators. No. The abolition of the current compulsory accumulative components is not assumed. But, like, will be allowed the possibility of citizen exit from this absurd forced – through the implementation of certain specific actions.

What is it like?

There are two analogies.

First: this is reminiscent of the imposition of citizens, recipients of their basic wages, along with payroll by credit card is also so-called “overdraft”. And then suddenly you find yourself owe the Bank, and even under absolutely fantastic, absurd interest. And doing it not some petty thieves around the corner, to which the eye of the authorities does not reach, but the key and largest, “systemically important” banks with a controlling stake in the state and the government in fact appointed leaders.

Thus, these systematically organized and protected more than scams (this is my qualitative assessment of their actions) has been successfully worked out the excuse that, they say, “overdraft” is strictly voluntary. In the sense that especially all seeing, spending time and effort (working hours), long queues to be hand written statement, and thus abandon the “voluntary” knowingly fraudulently imposed on “services”.

As we can see in this example, experience has showed its effectiveness. So why is it not implemented on the example of pension systems?

And the second analogy. It seems that our government decided to do to us exactly what they (our government) goodwill makes transnational capital with our country. For example, to withdraw from the WTO (where our government has gotten us four years ago) of Russia, in principle, possible, but not easy, as, for example, the UK from the EU. The exit will have to pay, and how much in advance is extremely difficult even to estimate. Similarly here: announced for the holiday (for the election) will, it is clear that the compulsory component is now no longer coercive but “voluntary”. But not in the sense that those who upon application can log on and the rest free. No, on the contrary, wishing, upon application and after the implementation of any special action (what difficulties the queue, inquiries from the house Committee, etc. – paired yet known), you can try out. The rest machine remains and pay tribute to the speculators…


The third initiative, we must admit, does not quite meet the definition as an exclusively electoral. As a minimum, because, firstly, realized not for the first time. And, second, its main goal still is not an election. However, given my above criteria it passes.

So, the authorities in the near future I plan to make a decision on the extension of the moratorium on the transfer of in the accumulative system of pension savings for another three next year. The money will be allocated to pay off the deficit. A lot of money – over three trillion rubles. And the total amount of frozen assets, thus will reach nearly five trillion rubles.

Supporters forcibly funded component call it “the underinvestment of the economy.” I, as a principled opponent of this fraudulent system, talking about nedokromila authorities their loved ones financial speculators. That is, the first power has created an outrageous system for artificial overfeeding financial speculators at our expense, and now, sort of, at least temporarily, this “goat is removed”.

But surely the power of these their loved ones suddenly fell out of love?

No worry for no reason. This channel, as you can see, will shut down temporarily. But not radically, not once and for all, but only temporary, half-hearted, at the earliest opportunity – re-open.

And most importantly: we see that, by and large, technically who would be targeted and what would help authorities put, it is always one and the same form – compensation of interest rates of banks, etc. Plus our total score additional financing of the authorized capital, preferential loans of the Central Bank, the transfer of toxic assets to state banks, etc. manipulation. That is, the total workshop of financial speculators in the loser does not remain, although the specific “players”, who turned away from the authorities, of course, may face some troubles.


And an example of one such campaign technology: for any topical subject for a long period to maximally escalate the situation, to create the worst expectations, but then at the crucial moment (before the election) the Supreme will release his subjects not so much from the terrible end, how much of it is deliberately stretched horror without end. A typical example is raising the retirement age and the refusal to pay pensions to working pensioners.

Know exactly, of course not, but I assume that closer to the elections, good government we are encouraging and protecting “will not allow” raising the retirement age and limiting pensions for working pensioners, and maybe even do “achieve” the removal of the issue from the agenda for a couple of years (before the presidential election).

It is possible that mercy and respect to those working pensioners, who were previously resolved not to index pensions – also “achieve” and “not tolerate” the infringement of legal rights.

In General, the wolves still seek to protect the lambs.


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