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Print us money, we can live!

Tonight, I dreamt that I ran into some alien expert on Finance and Economics. It was such a small, quaint, and not very pleasant appearance man, round glasses, and a faded portfolio. He said:

– You know that your country is in deep life, financial, and economic crisis?

– What a surprise! I replied. – About it we have all even children know. When they come in toy and candy stores, the parent of them, their whims, strictly say that the crisis in the country, and it needs to wait, only then buy sweets and toys. But the children, why do not want to wait, they stamp their feet and demand his own.

– Tell me, you exactly is the government said we have to wait patiently, when the crisis is getting deeper and deeper? – tried to clarify the alien.

– Of course we were told the government. Because it runs the country, and adopt emergency anti-crisis measures. Vaughn, around caught and put in jail criminals and corrupt officials who steal public money. And when them all to jail and overfishing, then the country will slowly begin to emerge from the crisis, and little children, and older adults will have all that they want. – not too confident I replied.

– Yes! Adults, and argue better than children. – Muttered the alien.

When the government takes private money monopolists outside the country, and directs the money to support banks, lenders and currency speculators and monopolists in the country, this is a direct treason, theft and corruption. A government simply sells the country, instead of what would bring it out of crisis.

Helping banks and monopolies in the country, due to the sale of the country for loans of foreign financial monopolies, the government just helps to Rob people of the country. Monopolies and banks, no nothing what will not be useful to do, while they have the opportunity to take money from people and then take away the property of citizens.

The citizens of the country to monopolies and money lenders, it is only the grass on which they graze. And the crisis is complete freedom of monopolies and speculators, from obligations to the pot. So the kids of the country will not wait for candy and toys. The magic word “crisis” always only means that you’re his submissive give, and go naked, and no you won’t owe according to the law.

– Then what do we, the citizens of the country!? – I asked.

– You need to live, not to wait for the end of the crisis. When you’re waiting for, it’s the same when you are sleeping, and the government out from under you, at this time, gently pull your mattresses, sheets, blankets and pillows, and sells it cheap on the market. And then, it comes to you and says, here’s money for your stuff (minus brokerage), here we did for you all I could, sorry crisis, so think as you do, to live independently. We have prepared, and then your work. And only then, can you begin to understand that the money received from the government, you will never be able to buy sheets, mattresses, pillows and blankets, and even live a normal life can not. While you will be able to sleep and eat tomorrow? The main thing is that from the government, you and your children, waiting for a miracle to resolve the crisis! And in return, you gave to the government of their country. Truly blessed is he who believes!

Now explain how you can get out of the situation of protracted crisis people, who for many years used to live by the principle of total care and total populist political sermons from the priests, on the principle of shepherd and flock. Said the alien. – Probably, it must be incredibly simple populist principle of dialogue of citizens with the government. Because the citizens are not obliged to listen to the government, in that part which explains the complex mechanism of raising their economy and industry level, and only then, should raise well-being in the lower ranks of society.

But the government will never explain that raising economic welfare monopoly and speculative Finance by the private sector, should grow to hundreds or more than a hundred times for what would then, a wave of increasing prosperity in the lower ranks of society, was able to climb in one and a half or two times if at all it has come to them.

But there is another way to go, no long waits. TFA TFA no no no, this is not a military revolution, and not even kontrrewolucja.

To exit from the crisis of the former socialist countries should be an incredibly simple and popular dialogue of citizens with the government obliged us to start printing and distributing this amount of money in our local currency, how much should be enough for each of us for life! Otherwise we go to court over violations of your material obligations to the citizens.”

This is the responsibility of the government, before the citizens of the former Soviet countries. Getting their powers in the government, every member of government has a specific duty to every citizen throughout the post-Soviet countries without exception. Because post-Soviet country, this is not the country of the wild West that began with the shrubs, prairies and Mustangs. Here, all people, without exception, participated in its creation. And wild capture has been created previously, should not be regarded as the civilized way, namely as a robbery. Therefore, if the government takes a paternalistic concern over the already established country, it must provide a living wage to those who created it.

It’s simple, the government is obliged to print so much Fiat money as needed to citizens for living, and who gave his share of his country’s government for its development and prosperity. Once the government is ruling and managing of someone else’s property, the pastor, then it must ensure that the flock living wage, at every moment of her life. It is easy to prove in any court. Therefore, the government is obliged to print the national currency, in the amount that will repay the government debt to the citizens. And have all the other things, Royal and other, after that. Does not matter how much the national currency will be worth every moment of time. Either it is tens of units, hundreds, or millions, compared to foreign currency. The less it costs and the more volume, the better it is for the life of the working people, and the worse it is for speculators, moneylenders, monopolists and corrupt.

It is important that the government must print money not for Bank loans, but only to the lives of citizens. So, it can easily provide low-income the real cost of pensions and salaries. And not some sort of corrupt subsidies that are bribing people, and put them in dependence. Then if the government itself is corrupt, then all those who get pension and salary, in the amount of two and a half euros per day, together and dragged the government to the international court. Suppose there is a government answer, about whom it cares, selling taken in pledge from the citizens of the country. Is that what the government does care about the citizens of the country, or care about the industrial and financial monopolists, usurers who bribed the government under the guise, as if his work on citizens. And if the government thinks about the citizens of the country and on national programmes of life, without selling the country to foreign investors, it is obliged to print the national currency to repay their debts to their citizens. Interestingly, it may object to such claims of the citizens?

Then, instead of the many wonderful shops, sales of imported cars, who sponsor foreign workers, there will be services representing the citizens of the country favourable terms of employment, land, mini-equipment for land cultivation and harvest, plant, etc manufactured in the country, and its citizens. Even if it is one standard unit of foreign currency, will eventually cost billions of national currency units. But this is the only entry point to pull the whole country without loss, out of debt, which is preceded by its dismemberment and sale at auction among the enemies and friends of the bankrupt.

For this, pensioners, workers and employees, is to join communities to participate in the international judicial process against their own government for not providing them a living wage for citizens, now, not later. And this must be done without regard to the drooling fans buy obankrocheny subjects and sawn into pieces. Obankrocheny, this is not friends for a secured. It is their victims wounded animal that needs to disappear without a trace.

Therefore, any government that prints the money is not secured for citizens, for the subsistence of the citizens, and to support civil collective and public infrastructure development programs, housing, and most importantly, to provide citizens with employment, it is your civil government, which will not run away from its citizens, even those members of the government are not heroes. People need only their own money, and the opportunity to live. But does not the loans and debts, even from the native government and bankers, consisting of his own money, but which, for the citizens will be like a stone around the neck. Internal debt of the government to the citizens, is a sacred thing for any government, and the external debt of the government, is irresponsible, has no Statute of limitations.

Is the responsibility of the government for unsecured commodity lot of money is much higher than the liability for a debt to those citizens, which leaves it without means of livelihood?

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